Definisi commuter nomina a person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis. the company provides showers and lockers for bicycle commuters sinonim: daily traveler, traveler, passenger, straphanger Sinonim nomina daily traveler, traveler, passenger, straphanger commuter train Lihat juga commuter train Definisi straphanger nomina a standing passenger in a bus or train. A …
Terjemahan dari loath adjektiva segan disinclined, shy, reticent, unwilling, loath, bashful yg tdk sudi disinclined, loath, loth Definisi loath adjektiva reluctant; unwilling. I was loath to leave sinonim: reluctant, unwilling, disinclined, ill-disposed, averse, opposed, resistant Sinonim adjektiva reluctant, unwilling, disinclined, ill-disposed, averse, opposed, resistant reluctant, loth indisposed, antipathetical, averse, loth, antipathetic Contoh But the Northern …
Terjemahan dari taint nomina noda stain, smudge, spot, taint, smear, mark keaiban shame, contumely, taint, reproach, humiliation, attaint cacad disability, defect, stigma, flaw, malformation, taint cacat defect, disability, flaw, blemish, fault, taint infeksi infection, taint verba mencemari contaminate, taint, defile, profane, foul, dirty menodai tarnish, stain, taint, desecrate, sully, besmirch mencemarkan contaminate, defame, defile, profane, …
Terjemahan dari civic adjektiva bersifat kewarganegaraan civic Definisi civic adjektiva of or relating to a city or town, especially its administration; municipal. civic and business leaders sinonim: municipal, city, town, urban, metropolitan, public, civil, community, local Sinonim adjektiva municipal, city, town, urban, metropolitan, public, civil, community, local civil Contoh You should see that as your …
Terjemahan dari maudlin adjektiva cengeng maudlin, mushy, sloppy, fractious, mawkish mudah terharu maudlin, mawkish, sentimental, soppy Definisi maudlin adjektiva self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental, often through drunkenness. the drink made her maudlin sinonim: sentimental, oversentimental, emotional, overemotional, tearful, lachrymose, weepy, misty-eyed; mawkish, sentimental, oversweet, oversentimental, tearjerker, tearjerking, mushy, slushy, sloppy, schmaltzy, cheesy, corny, soppy, cornball, three-hankie …