
Terjemahan dari lassitude
lethargy, sluggishness, apathy, listlessness, lassitude, weariness
weakness, shortcoming, laxity, frailty, infirmity, lassitude
fatigue, exhaustion, weariness, lassitude, extenuation, frazzle
keadaan tdk berminat
keadaan acuh tak acuh
insouciance, lassitude
Definisi lassitude
a state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy.
she was overcome by lassitude and retired to bed
sinonim: lethargy, listlessness, weariness, languor, sluggishness, tiredness, fatigue, torpor, lifelessness, apathy
lethargy, inanition, languor
13 sinonim lain
Rotten made it clear that there was another kind of fun that could be had, a forbidden fun that was riskier and more dangerous because it aggressively put the lie to the self-congratulatory lassitude of the 1970s.
As my lassitude , depression and memory loss grew more pronounced, we decided that we needed to drastically change our lives.
The patient may also experience lassitude , have a pale complexion, a sore low back (where the Kidney is located), pale tongue body with thin white coating, and deep slow-weak pulse.
The patient denied lassitude , dyspnea, or fever.
Early morning lassitude puts all inquisitive minds to rest.
After five weeks in combat these soldiers sunk into a state of extreme exhaustion and lassitude .
It isn’t like they’ve worked out how to levitate the television remote control across the room to allow for utter and total lassitude .
That’s when, for whatever reason, the little white pill I have to take first thing in the morning sets my water system into hyper-productive mode, resulting in feelings of faintness and lassitude .
There may be lassitude in the federal response to natural disaster, but that is not the same as culpability, and still less is it culpability for the failings the critics invariably cite.
They’re conducive, instead, to lassitude , resentment, and political irresponsibility.
she was overcome by lassitude and retired to bed
No matter what we do to earn a living, we all seek the benefits of leisure, lassitude and inertia…
But also costly figuratively, costly psychologically, because the new social lassitude associated with liberalism affronted cherished values.
Only on the next morning does one feel the after effects, which include an almost overwhelminglassitude .
The general lassitude towards tourists followed us into southern Chile where we were constantly held up by crooked tour agents and transport that was always late.
You still get the runny nose and cough (if you’ve got them), but it gets rid of the aches, pains and general uncomfortable lassitude .
And a final example is the deep-seated lassitude in the major Australian corporations that vast superannuation money flow and lack of real competition has engendered.
Moral lassitude is not equal to murder of innocents.
she was overcome by lassitude and retired to bed
a patient complaining of lassitude and inability to concentrate
That was when the cattle became thin, sometimes painfully so, and it broke the heart of a cattle-owning people to see the herds nibbling at the few dry shreds of grass that remained, their heads lowered inlassitude and in weakness.
Happy in Goa, the Portuguese took their time leaving, lingering here in colonial lassitude until 1961.
Reading causes lassitude and wearies us tremendously.
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[…] two sons began an internecine struggle for control. For the next 40 years the empire sank into the lassitude caused by civil […]

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