Terjemahan dari foundry nomina pengecoran casting, foundry, founding, moulding penuangan pouring, casting, foundry Definisi foundry nomina a workshop or factory for casting metal. However, there is more to manufacturing than the industries which once provided the bulk of the jobs in mills, factories and foundries . Sinonim nomina metalworks Contoh Price also operated a foundry …
Terjemahan dari peruse verba membaca dgn teliti peruse Definisi peruse verba read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way. he has spent countless hours in libraries perusing art history books and catalogues Sinonim verba read, study, scrutinize, inspect, examine, wade through, look through, browse through, leaf through, scan, run one’s eye over, glance through, …
An ethnic slur for one from Italy, Spain, or Portugal Those dagos are causing all kinds of crimes. Definisi dago nomina an Italian, Spanish, or Portuguese-speaking person. Sinonim nomina wop, greaseball, guinea, ginzo Comments comments
Prevail artinya menang, menguasai Prevail artinya berlaku Prevail juga berarti membujuk Prevail juga berarti merata, tersebar luas Contoh Kalimat : Their collective rights prevail over individual or corporate monopoly interests. He was of course, feeling the paternal love which can prevail over all other emotions. Its name derives from romance, the literary form in which …
Terjemahan dari perilous adjektiva berbahaya dangerous, harmful, hazardous, treacherous, perilous, noxious penuh bahaya perilous membahayakan dangerous, harmful, endangering, perilous, unsafe, pestiferous penuh risiko hazardous, perilous, wildcat, chanceful Definisi perilous adjektiva full of danger or risk. a perilous journey south sinonim: dangerous, fraught with danger, hazardous, risky, unsafe, treacherous, precarious, vulnerable, uncertain, insecure, exposed, at risk, …