Terjemahan dari petard nomina petasan firecracker, fireworks, squib, petard, sky rocket, spitdevil kembang api fireworks, squib, petard, spitdevil, fluff gib, sky rocket Definisi petard nomina a small bomb made of a metal or wooden box filled with powder, used to blast down a door or to make a hole in a wall. Machine guns in …
An ethnic slur for one from Italy, Spain, or Portugal Those dagos are causing all kinds of crimes. Definisi dago nomina an Italian, Spanish, or Portuguese-speaking person. Sinonim nomina wop, greaseball, guinea, ginzo Comments comments
Terjemahan dari semblance nomina kemiripan resemblance, similarity, semblance, likeness, similitude persamaan equation, equality, similarity, resemblance, parallel, semblance pemandangan view, scenery, sight, landscape, scene, semblance Definisi semblance nomina the outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different. she tried to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order sinonim: (outward) …
Terjemahan dari mediocre adjektiva sedang medium, moderate, average, temperate, modest, mediocre sedang saja mediocre kurang baik poorly, deficient, low, defective, mediocre, amateurish cukupan mediocre, moderate, middling sedang-sedang average, moderate, medium, measurable, middling, mediocre Definisi mediocre adjektiva of only moderate quality; not very good. a mediocre actor sinonim: ordinary, average, middling, middle-of-the-road, uninspired, undistinguished, indifferent, unexceptional, …
Terjemahan dari opulent adjektiva mewah luxurious, plush, posh, sumptuous, lavish, opulent kaya rich, wealthy, affluent, well, prosperous, opulent makmur prosperous, affluent, opulent, palmy, luxurious, well-heeled berlimpah-limpah abundant, plenteous, plentiful, lavish, affluent, opulent Definisi opulent adjektiva ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish. the opulent comfort of a limousine sinonim: luxurious, sumptuous, palatial, lavish, lavishly appointed, rich, …