Terjemahan dari covenant nomina perjanjian agreement, treaty, covenant, deal, contract, pact persetujuan approval, consent, agreement, assent, accord, covenant akad contract, agreement, covenant verba mengadakan perjanjian covenant, make a bargain mengadakan persetujuan covenant, make a bargain menanggung jawab atas perjanjian covenant Definisi covenant nomina an agreement. But the fact that he is abusing the marriage covenant …
Terjemahan dari foundry nomina pengecoran casting, foundry, founding, moulding penuangan pouring, casting, foundry Definisi foundry nomina a workshop or factory for casting metal. However, there is more to manufacturing than the industries which once provided the bulk of the jobs in mills, factories and foundries . Sinonim nomina metalworks Contoh Price also operated a foundry …
Terjemahan dari detour nomina jalan memutar detour penyimpangan deviation, aberration, distortion, drift, diversion, detour pemutaran turning, reversal, detour Definisi detour nomina a long or roundabout route taken to avoid something or to visit somewhere along the way. he had made a detour to a cafe verba take a long or roundabout route. he detoured around …
Terjemahan dari battler nomina pejuang fighter, warrior, combatant, partisan, battler Definisi battler nomina a person who battles or fights. But the credence of his claims was reinforced by the fact that the Brockton-born battler was smaller in stature than most he fought. Sinonim nomina combatant, scrapper, fighter, belligerent Contoh Carol, 61, of Chelsea Street, Keighley, …
Terjemahan dari avert verba mencegah prevent, avoid, stop, avert, forestall, stave off menangkal ward, prevent, avert menghindarkan avoid, spare, avert, preclude, obviate, waive memalingkan muka avert memalingkan pandang avert Definisi avert verba turn away (one’s eyes or thoughts). she averted her eyes during the more violent scenes sinonim: turn aside, turn away prevent or ward …