
Terjemahan dari patrimony
heritage, legacy, inheritance, patrimony, bequest, heirdom
harta warisan nenek moyang
Definisi patrimony
property inherited from one’s father or male ancestor.
The modern official formation of the Japanese canon of cultural patrimony dates back to the first cultural protection law of 1871.
  • heritage, inheritance, birthright, legacy, bequest, endowment
  • birthright
By the early 20th century the conservatives had gained ascendancy and the presidency remained within a handful of élite families as if it were their personal patrimony .
She produced children and added to the family patrimony .
In the 1980s, the ‘family’ could no longer be held together and a division of its patrimony became inevitable.
Other projects have included photography work on the architectural history of Sofia as well as on Ottoman architectural patrimony .
Several crumbling mansions also echo the misfortunes of wastrel sons who blew their patrimony on (as one local tells me), ‘fast women and slow horses’.
It was a serious loss of the city’s architectural patrimony .
The most notable elements of the Andorran patrimony are its thirty Romanesque churches, almost all of them small, built between the ninth and the thirteenth centuries.
This saurian symbol of Chinese emperors has been claimed, from the mid-1980s onward, as the common patrimony of all Chinese people.
Thus, noble and even non-noble families incorporated great amounts of their patrimony into these entailed estates.
Now this artistic and scientific patrimony is constantly under threat of destruction.
Cultural and intellectual heritage is regarded as the property of society at large, the collectivepatrimony of whole nations and peoples.
They belong permanently to Europe’s spiritual patrimony and ought to remain constitutive of its unity.
According to the law of Abdera, whoever wasted his patrimony would be deprived of the rites of burial.
owners refuse to part with their patrimony in the interests of agricultural development
There was a void of cultural leadership about how to handle the city’s built patrimony .
And once transformed into a narrative, they form part of a common patrimony , available to anyone in the culture.
Here art becomes both cultural patrimony and family legacy.
The Tibetans aren’t quite as keen to sell their patrimony , but nobody’s asking them.
The modern official formation of the Japanese canon of cultural patrimony dates back to the first cultural protection law of 1871.
It is the belief that a population can know its own geologic history, the patrimony of art, the folk art and customs.
After all, the history of the United States has left a peculiar ideological patrimony .
And they wouldn’t be considered cultural patrimony .
Such places of natural beauty were to be passed ‘as a sacred patrimony from generation to generation’.
patrimony laws
an organization that saves the world’s cultural patrimony by restoring historic buildings
Norman abbots energetically fought off the encroachments on the wealth and patrimony of the houses on which the abbots’ own fates depended.
The importance of these collections in preserving the cultural patrimony of African Americans in particular and Americans in general is indisputable.
If there is a religious tradition that I regard as my patrimony , it is the Catholic tradition.
This is an aspect of Iraqi cultural patrimony that is not often addressed.
Two government officials represent the state in financial and patrimonial matters.
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