Terjemahan dari disputatious adjektiva argumentatif disputatious penuh dgn argumen disputatious Definisi disputatious adjektiva fond of or causing heated arguments. a congenial hangout for disputatious academics Sinonim adjektiva contentious, litigious, combative Contoh To place those two disputatious lawyers side by side, even in after-life, would have been a certain recipe for conflict. A more accurate portrayal …
Terjemahan dari slumlord nomina pemilik rumah-rumah gubuk slumlord Definisi slumlord nomina a landlord of slum property, especially one who profiteers. ‘I’m convinced that it’s the first time this city will have a real plan of action against slums and slumlords ,’ says Prescott, who believes it’ll take some imagination and, of course, some cash. Contoh …
Terjemahan dari mellifluous adjektiva merdu tunable, melodious, melodic, sweet, tuneful, mellifluous Definisi mellifluous adjektiva (of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear. the voice was mellifluous and smooth sinonim: sweet-sounding, dulcet, honeyed, mellow, soft, liquid, silvery, soothing, rich, smooth, euphonious, harmonious, tuneful, musical Sinonim adjektiva sweet-sounding, dulcet, honeyed, mellow, soft, liquid, silvery, …
Terjemahan dari occult adjektiva gaib supernatural, occult, magical, magic, invisible, mysterious tersembunyi hidden, secret, ulterior, covert, latent, occult rahasia secret, confidential, classified, clandestine, undercover, occult Definisi occult adjektiva of, involving, or relating to supernatural, mystical, or magical powers or phenomena. a follower of occult practices similar to voodoo sinonim: supernatural, magic, magical, mystical, mystic, psychic, …
Terjemahan dari defy verba menentang oppose, defy, resist, go against, confront, argue menantang challenge, defy, brave, outdare membantah argue, deny, dispute, disprove, rebut, defy melanggar violate, break, infringe, transgress, contravene, defy tahan menghadapi defy Definisi defy verba openly resist or refuse to obey. a woman who defies convention sinonim: disobey, go against, flout, fly in …