
Terjemahan dari gorge
gap, ravine, gorge, cliff, chasm, brink
ngarai yg sempit
gulch, gorge
nafsu makan yg rakus
isi perut
entrails, bowels, inwards, guts, innards, gorge
mengisi perut
makan dgn rakus
gobble, gorge, wolf, engorge, gulf, gut
makan dgn lahap
engorge, mop up, cram, gorge, wolf, gobble
Definisi gorge
a narrow valley between hills or mountains, typically with steep rocky walls and a stream running through it.
Their great pale grey slopes are breached all along the coast by a number of steep, rocky gorges with towering vertical walls.
sinonim: ravine, canyon, gully, defile, couloir, chasm, gulf, gulch, coulee
the throat.
Sinking his teeth into her gorge , he grotesquely tore her throat out.
the neck of a bastion or other outwork; the rear entrance to a fortification.
Leaders of combat teams should know where to set up an ambush – on the roads and paths along cornices and gorges, on slopes forming entrances to gorges , in populated centers and so on.
a mass of ice obstructing a narrow passage, especially a river.
It is of record that fifty years ago an ice gorge formed near here.
eat a large amount greedily; fill oneself with food.
the river comes alive during March when fish gorge on caddisworms
sinonim: stuff, cram, fill, glut, satiate, overindulge, overfill, pig out; devour, guzzle, gobble, gulp (down), wolf (down), demolish, polish off, scoff (down), down, stuff one’s face with, scarf (down/up)
Lebih sedikit definisi
ravine, gullet, defile
stuff, devour, engorge
38 sinonim lain
we used to go to all the little restaurants there and gorge ourselves
They walked through the shadow of the gorge , the steep overhanging walls closed in on them, and there was a sense of impending evil about them.
And all the way, most like a brutish beast, he spewed up his gorge , that all did him detest.
When there is a loss of habitat, the woodland caribou becomes a prime target for wolves that gorge on their plentiful prey.
First, waves of US planes dropped more than 40 bombs on their positions, concentrated in the gorgethat provides entrance to the city.
You can gorge yourself on any amount of chocolate and not feel guilty.
From the Moulin de Cambelong a twisty road rises to the perfectly preserved medieval village of Conques, huddled on the edge of a gorge round the towering Romanesque cathedral church of Sainte-Foy.
It is of record that fifty years ago an ice gorge formed near here.
Still both not feeling 100%, Takuto coughing and with a hurting left knee and I with a sore gorge , we left Parral on a blue sky morning.
His throat fighting the gorge rising in his gullet, he slid off the bed and collapsed on the deck.
They chased him down the mountain and into the gorge where he disappeared and the miners couldn’t follow.
This train spirals up a steep mountain gorge , climbing 2,800 ft in 40 minutes.
After a night there, we headed on up into the hills, winding our way up the narrow gorge of the river valley.
Not only it is tasty, on a shoestring budget one can gorge on a variety of food.
This makes me sick, rancid gorge fills my throat, but I swallow it down.
Again, it goes back to social expectation – being able to gorge on food has now become a sort of unconsidered fashion.
He then saw a group of soldiers pinned down at the entrance of the gorge .
Sinking his teeth into her gorge , he grotesquely tore her throat out.
the river comes alive during March when fish gorge on caddisworms
Like a gorge of ice in a river, once the first obstructing block breaks loose, the whole mass begins to move and the blockade is gone.
It was hypothesized that gorgers would have lower metabolic rates, more body fat, lower energy and higher fat intakes, and more pathological eating attitudes than non-gorgers.
The road will bring trade, and better access to health care and the outside world, to the villages strung along the banks of the Panjsher River as it courses through steep gorges and ravines from the Hindu Kush mountains.
The hour-long flight takes in both sections of the Gregory National Park and passes over luxuriant river valleys, yawning gorges , rocky ravines and a chain of magnificent flattop sandstone mesas.
It felt like I had just spent the last two hours gorging on gummy bears.
After gorging on holiday goodies, sticking to your resolution to hit the gym is easier said than done.
She found that the cat had been gorging on the food I left out and that her stomach was completely distended.
I half-expected to see Grace Adler walk up to the podium and complain about men while gorging on chocolate silk pie.
Climbing down deep-throated gorges and up awe-inspiring mountains had David Denison marvelling at early road pioneers
Instead, they will be too busy customising their character with hairstyles and tattoos, or getting fat bygorging on junk food.
This is rugged country, broken, steep hills, narrow valleys plunging to streams flowing through deepgorges , all covered in bush and mud.
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my gorge rose
Terjemahan dari gorge
gap, ravine, gorge, cliff, chasm, brink
ngarai yg sempit
gulch, gorge
nafsu makan yg rakus
isi perut
entrails, bowels, inwards, guts, innards, gorge
mengisi perut
makan dgn rakus
gobble, gorge, wolf, engorge, gulf, gut
makan dgn lahap
engorge, mop up, cram, gorge, wolf, gobble
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