Terjemahan dari detour nomina jalan memutar detour penyimpangan deviation, aberration, distortion, drift, diversion, detour pemutaran turning, reversal, detour Definisi detour nomina a long or roundabout route taken to avoid something or to visit somewhere along the way. he had made a detour to a cafe verba take a long or roundabout route. he detoured around …
on Impulse or without thinking To do something Off the Cuff, or a at moments notice. Linked to spontaneity, or spontaneous people. In Compton we call that Spur of the Moment, What up! Comments comments
Terjemahan dari impresario nomina impresaris impresario Definisi impresario nomina a person who organizes and often finances concerts, plays, or operas. Opera impresario Raymond Gubbay has proved to concert promoters that given the right marketing, concerts and operas can be made as popular as any other evening’s entertainment. sinonim: organizer, (stage) manager, producer, promoter, publicist, showman, …
Terjemahan dari reproach verba mencela denounce, reproach, criticize, blame, deprecate, decry menegur rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reprove, scold, reproach menyalahkan blame, fault, condemn, accuse, reproach, impute menyesalkan regret, deplore, chagrin, reproach, begrudge, rue menyesali regret, repent, rue, lament, deplore, reproach mencelakan cavil, keelhaul, stigmatize, excoriate, criticize, reproach Definisi reproach nomina the expression of disapproval or disappointment. …
Terjemahan dari typical adjektiva khas typical, unique, characteristic, specific, peculiar, particular khusus special, specific, particular, unique, distinctive, typical tipikal typical, exemplary, representative typis typical, classical Definisi typical adjektiva having the distinctive qualities of a particular type of person or thing. a typical day sinonim: representative, classic, quintessential, archetypal, model, prototypical, stereotypical, paradigmatic, common; normal, average, …