Terjemahan dari contentious adjektiva kontensius contentious yg suka bertengkar quarrelsome, contentious, cantankerous yg suka berdebat contentious, argumentative, contradictory, contradictious yg suka berselisih contentious, quarrelsome yg suka berbantah contentious Definisi contentious adjektiva causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial. a contentious issue sinonim: controversial, disputable, debatable, disputed, open to debate, vexed Sinonim adjektiva controversial, disputable, …
Terjemahan dari concern nomina perhatian attention, concern, care, interest, consideration, notice urusan affairs, business, matter, dealings, concern, charge soal matter, problem, question, thing, item, concern keprihatian concern, thoughtfulness perusahaan company, enterprise, firm, corporation, business, concern firma firm, company, enterprise, concern, concernment kemasygulan concern, heartbreak, anxiety, moodiness, hip prihatian concern kemasgulan anxiety, concern, heartbreak, moodiness, hip …
Insurgent artinya pemberontak atau pengacau Beberapa contoh kalimat : It was not difficult for the local population to differentiate between these constructive efforts and the often brutal, terroristic actions of insurgent forces. In Malaya the British defeated an insurgent communist movement. Taking a page out of the tactics of Anglo-American imperialism in Italy, the Stalinist …
Terjemahan dari franchise nomina hak right, title, heel, claim, franchise, due monopoli monopoly, franchise, corner lisensi license, franchise, licence hak pilih suffrage, vote, franchise hak memilih suffrage, vote, franchise Definisi franchise nomina an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, e.g., providing …
Terjemahan dari revert verba kembali return, go back, come back, get back, revert, turn back pulih recover, revert nomina kembalinya return, reversion, revert Definisi revert verba return to (a previous state, condition, practice, etc.). he reverted to his native language sinonim: return, go back, change back, default, fall back, regress, relapse nomina a person who …