Terjemahan dari muzzy adjektiva suram gloomy, bleak, grim, dismal, dreary, muzzy bingung confused, puzzled, perplexed, upset, disoriented, muzzy tdk jelas inarticulate, vaporous, muzzy, indistinct, hazy, woolly mabuk drunk, drunken, intoxicated, boozy, tanked, muzzy Definisi muzzy adjektiva unable to think clearly; confused. she was shivering and her head felt muzzy from sleep sinonim: groggy, lightheaded, faint, …
Terjemahan dari perilous adjektiva berbahaya dangerous, harmful, hazardous, treacherous, perilous, noxious penuh bahaya perilous membahayakan dangerous, harmful, endangering, perilous, unsafe, pestiferous penuh risiko hazardous, perilous, wildcat, chanceful Definisi perilous adjektiva full of danger or risk. a perilous journey south sinonim: dangerous, fraught with danger, hazardous, risky, unsafe, treacherous, precarious, vulnerable, uncertain, insecure, exposed, at risk, …
Terjemahan dari champaign nomina padang field, champaign adjektiva datar dan terbuka champaign Definisi Champaign nomina open level countryside. nomina a city in east central Illinois, home to the University of Illinois; population 79,389 (est. 2008). Sinonim champaign nomina plain, field Lihat juga champaign Comments comments
Terjemahan dari temporary adjektiva sementara temporary, interim, provisional, transient, temporal, tentative Definisi temporary adjektiva lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent. a temporary job sinonim: nonpermanent, short-term, interim, provisional, pro tem, makeshift, stopgap, acting, fill-in, stand-in, caretaker; brief, short-lived, momentary, fleeting, passing nomina a person employed on a temporary basis, typically an …
Terjemahan dari scurrilous adjektiva keji vile, nasty, vicious, despicable, wicked, scurrilous kotor dirty, filthy, gross, grubby, soiled, scurrilous kasar rude, rough, coarse, bearish, rugged, scurrilous carut bawdy, vulgar, scurrilous, ribald tdk senonoh dissipated, improper, spicy, indecent, outrageous, scurrilous Definisi scurrilous adjektiva making or spreading scandalous claims about someone with the intention of damaging their reputation. …