
erjemahan dari malleable
soft, tender, malleable, lenient, mild, bland
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Definisi malleable
(of a metal or other material) able to be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking.
Industrial and commercial fittings are made from galvanized steel, cast iron, or malleable steel.
sinonim: pliable, ductile, plastic, pliant, soft, workable
  • pliable, ductile, plastic, pliant, soft, workable
  • easily influenced, suggestible, susceptible, impressionable, pliable, amenable, compliant,tractable, biddable, complaisant, manipulable, persuadable, like putty in someone’s hands
  • ductile
  • tractile, pliable, tensile, pliant, ductile
Lebih sedikit sinonim
Bones are shifting, hormones are flying all about, neural processes are still plastic and malleable and highly susceptible to influence.
Palladium is a relatively soft, silver-white metal that is both malleable and ductile.
Sinclair gives the impression of being malleable , like he bears the print of whoever was last sitting on him.
But Anna is sexually malleable and could easily be taken advantage of by an unscrupulous dominant.
Neodymium is a soft, malleable metal that can be cut and shaped fairly easily.
It just goes to show how malleable women are when there’s the slightest suggestion of beauty and youth.
Gold is extremely malleable , and highly conductive, which is why they make circuits out of it.
Because gold is malleable and soft it tends to get pounded into little pancakes or smeared out in the crushing and milling equipment labs use.
The metal of the pillar has been found to be almost pure malleable iron.
And be aware of what may be imprinted on our impressionable and malleable children in their formative years by the people to whom we expose them.
He found that leather, highly malleable and easy to dye, was actually an ideal material for realistic sculpture.
But the rather malleable populace here seems to be quite pleased at this governmental largesse.
Gold is soft enough to scratch with a fingernail, and the most malleable of metals.
Sometimes, however, these natives can be a tad too malleable and easily persuaded by those in their inner circle.
They were there with their control collar ready to make me malleable to their malign manipulations.
Wet wool is quite malleable in terms of size, and you can get it to dry up or down a bit just by handling it properly.
Nickell seems inspired by the malleable qualities of materials.
You might want to buy a cheap but malleable silver ring to practice on, or maybe a couple of them.
These are not entirely manageable or malleable cultural instruments the way that feudal institutions were.
All implants are quickly inserted while the cement is malleable to allow proper positioning.
This allows the clay to form a malleable material.
The white irons of suitable composition can be annealed to give malleable cast iron.
The varying opinions suggest that the laureateship is both a malleable thing and a work in progress.
Gold is malleable and does not fracture as it is tumbled about in running water.
This malleable food source can be baked, dried in the sun, or mashed with water to form a porridge.
Rather, research suggests that memories are malleable and reconstructed from a person’s current remembering context.
The eager crowd are easily malleable in the Lady’s gaze.
I hardly think that the youth of the future are waiting for malleable faculty to lead them by the hand to willing computers.
I envied how the material was so malleable compared to wood and that one could get so close to it.
The hilt of the blade is designed to hug the wrist, made of a lightweight, thin malleable metal for ease of wear.
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