Terjemahan dari slattern adjektiva jorok dirty, slovenly, squalid, shabby, grubby, slattern kotor dirty, filthy, gross, grubby, soiled, slattern tdk rapi unkempt, dowdy, slovenly, disheveled, sloven, slattern nomina perempuan berpakaian lusuh slattern perempuan jorok slattern, slut si cabul roue, profligate, reprobate, satyr, slattern verba memboros slather, tine, misspend, sport, slattern memboroskan waste, squander, throw away, burn, …
Terjemahan dari geriatric adjektiva geriatrik geriatric Definisi geriatric adjektiva of or relating to old people, especially with regard to their health care. a geriatric hospital nomina an old person, especially one receiving special care. a rest home for geriatrics Sinonim adjektiva gerontological Contoh geriatic I’ve still got a long time left in me and I …
Terjemahan dari waver verba bimbang hesitate, falter, waver, vacillate, wobble, bother berkibar fly, flutter, wave, waver, ruffle goncang jiggle, shake, waver, shimmy, jar, be unstable berkelap-kelip flicker, twinkle, waver ragu-ragu doubt, distrust, stumble, hesitate, nibble, waver Definisi waver verba shake with a quivering motion. the flame wavered in the draft sinonim: flicker, quiver, twinkle, glimmer, …
Levity artinya kesembrnoan atau sikap sembrono Beberapa kata yang berdekatan artinya : levity, carelessness, thoughtlessness, recklessness, negligence, flippancy Beberapa Contoh Kalimat : As bad and as damaging as this in-house report is, we are told that it was all a matter of levity and humour. One difference, however, is the note of realism and levity …
Terjemahan dari sacrifice verba mengorbankan sacrifice, give, give up, victimize, forfeit, immolate berkorban sacrifice, bleed nomina pengorbanan sacrifice, victimization, immolation korban victim, toll, sacrifice, scapegoat, butt, oblation Definisi sacrifice nomina an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure. they …