
Terjemahan dari licentious
lewd, raunchy, salacious, prurient, dirty, licentious
tdk bermoral
debauched, licentious, reprobate
libertine, profligate, dissolute, licentious
berakhlak rendah
tdk senonoh
dissipated, improper, spicy, indecent, outrageous, licentious
Definisi licentious
promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters.
World famous, he is also a great womanizer, acknowledged as such by his colleagues, wife, and friends who themselves enjoy an entertainingly licentious social and sexual life.
sinonim: dissolute, dissipated, debauched, degenerate, immoral, naughty, wanton, decadent, depraved, sinful, corrupt, lustful, lecherous, lascivious, libidinous, prurient, lubricious, lewd, promiscuous, lickerish, concupiscent
disregarding accepted rules or conventions, especially in grammar or literary style.
In Paris it was welcomed by a public with a strong appetite for the irreverent and licentious in literature, and probably for subversive ideas of any kind in philosophy and theology.
dissolute, dissipated, debauched, degenerate, immoral, naughty, wanton, decadent, depraved,sinful, corrupt, lustful, lecherous, lascivious, libidinous, prurient, lubricious, lewd, promiscuous,lickerish, concupiscent
The example of harmonious and industrious living set by the missionaries was continually undermined by the licentious behaviour of visiting European traders.
Take the measure of any season – none of them turns up more coconut oil, string bikinis andlicentious behavior than summer.
Martin Luther, in guiding the 16 th-century church back to the apostolic teaching of salvation by grace through faith active in love, was aware that the gospel of grace is so freeing that it might become an excuse for licentious behavior.
His popularity was apparent early at Eton, where he was given the nickname Buck, which, as the author points out, was a common term for ‘sexually licentious Londoners’.
And they are very far from any thought that their licentious groupings would provide an avenue for the emergence of a patriarch with a retinue of teen-wives.
Civic fathers, fearing for the virtue of their daughters and the sobriety of their sons, lamented the corrupting presence of the ‘drunken and licentious soldiery’.
All the accused men were well known for their licentious behaviour and for this reason possibly became easy targets for incrimination.
The extravagant lifestyle and licentious ways of some of them became the subject matter of book and films.
That does not mean there should be no sanction for misbehaviour or licentious behaviour.
The poet Philip Larkin noted that sexual intercourse began in 1963, but a long suppressed study has shown that Britain indulged in licentious behaviour long before the dawn of the permissive society, writes Tom Baird.
Though in his youth he had been much addicted to intemperance and licentious pleasures, after he had ranked himself among philosophers he was never known to violate the laws of sobriety or chastity.
However, the libidinous cad may find many pleasures in the licentious glance along the pew.
He censures the licentious behavior which the picaro’s freedom implies and from which the hero could abstain through his free will.
In Paris it was welcomed by a public with a strong appetite for the irreverent and licentious in literature, and probably for subversive ideas of any kind in philosophy and theology.
This process is naturally the opposite of that employed by the forgetful Don Juan, the master figure of our sexually licentious age.
Brutal, licentious , violent and debauched as it was, however, ancient Rome is relevant still.
But the worshippers and admirers of these gods delight in imitating their scandalous iniquities, and are nowise concerned that the republic be less depraved and licentious .
He used the stock characters of traditional Italian comedy, but cleaned up their characteristic ridiculous licentious behaviour in an attempt to introduce a higher moral tone.
World famous, he is also a great womanizer, acknowledged as such by his colleagues, wife, and friends who themselves enjoy an entertainingly licentious social and sexual life.
Track down that effeminate foreigner who plagues our women with this new disease, and fouls the whole land with licentious lechery.
I myself visited a striptease establishment in the early 1970s and found the experience detumescent and soporific rather than conducive to licentious behaviour.
Default, unearned respect for culture breeds a decadent cultural licentiousness in which any amount of pretentious nonsense is encouraged and propagated.
Conversely, if this authority and example do not emanate from the top ranks of society, corruption andlicentiousness of the sort traditionally associated with a diseased aristocracy will infect the entire social body.
In Galatians 5: 19-21 the list is headed by sexual immorality, impurity, licentiousness , and idolatry.
In it the hero Oliver laments: ‘Wouldn’t it have been really better to live like Mario, not socially labelled, not insured or predestined, but irresponsibly, even licentiously , within the limits of kindness and honour?’
The drink merely lubricated the licentiousness .
Several runners advanced across the field towards the keep, and he grinned licentiously .
Perhaps no creature makes a better role model than these spotted animals, licentiously advertising their lust and hunger in wild howls and mad scratchings.
Tiberius distinguished his reign by great indolence, excessive cruelty, unprincipled avarice, and abandoned licentiousness .
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