Terjemahan dari petard nomina petasan firecracker, fireworks, squib, petard, sky rocket, spitdevil kembang api fireworks, squib, petard, spitdevil, fluff gib, sky rocket Definisi petard nomina a small bomb made of a metal or wooden box filled with powder, used to blast down a door or to make a hole in a wall. Machine guns in …
Berkelahi dengan tumbak sambil naik kuda Definisi joust nomina a medieval sports contest in which two opponents on horseback fought with lances. It speaks of jousts , tournaments, wizards, falconry, enchantresses, damsels in distress, wars, quests, and the code of chivalry. sinonim: tournament, tourney, combat, contest, fight, battle, clash, tilt verba (of a medieval knight) …
Terjemahan dari dense adjektiva padat solid, dense, congested, compact, heavy, tight rapat tight, dense, close, compact, intimate, firm lebat heavy, dense, torrential, pouring, lush tebal thick, heavy, dense, bulky, fat, bushy pekat concentrated, dense, strong, soupy, slab, tough kental thick, lumpy, condensed, viscous, dense, stiff rimbun lush, dense, thick, luxuriant, exuberant bodoh stupid, foolish, fool, …
Terjemahan dari treasury nomina kas cash, treasury, wardrobe, case, desk, cashier’s window perbendaharaan treasury, repertory, exchequer, wealth baitulmal treasury khazanah treasure, treasury, vocabulary bunga rampai potpourri, anthology, miscellany, chrestomathy, treasury Definisi treasury nomina the funds or revenue of a government, corporation, or institution. the country’s pledge not to spend more than it has in its …
Terjemahan dari chug nomina bunyi letusan kecil chug Definisi chug nomina a muffled explosive sound or a series of such sounds. the chug of a motorboat a large gulp of a drink. Chris took a long chug of his beer verba emit a series of regular muffled explosive sounds, as of an engine running slowly. …