Terjemahan dari disrelish nomina rasa jijik contempt, revulsion, repulsion, aversion, scunner, disrelish verba menjijikkan disgust, repel, loathe, revolt, sicken, disrelish Definisi disrelish nomina a feeling of dislike or distaste. disrelish for any pursuit is ample reason for abandoning it verba regard (something) with dislike or distaste. I am not surprised that some members should disrelish …
Terjemahan dari extensive adjektiva luas comprehensive, spacious, extensive, wide, broad, vast lebar wide, broad, large, extensive, full panjang long, lengthy, extensive, great, full-length panjang lebar lengthy, elaborate, extensive, detailed, wordy, prolix lawa extensive, vast banglas vast, extensive Definisi extensive adjektiva covering or affecting a large area. an extensive garden sinonim: large, large-scale, sizable, substantial, considerable, …
Terjemahan dari discipline nomina disiplin discipline mata pelajaran subject, course, study, discipline kedisiplinan discipline, training ketertiban order, orderliness, discipline, neatness mata kuliah course, subject, study, discipline Definisi discipline nomina the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. a lack of proper parental and school discipline …
Terjemahan dari slum nomina perkampungan yg melarat slum daerah jembel slum rumah-rumah gubuk slum Definisi slum nomina a squalid and overcrowded urban street or district inhabited by very poor people. However, there is still a large segment of the population which lives in urban slums and poor rural areas without electricity or running water. sinonim: …
Terjemahan dari reprehensible adjektiva tercela despicable, disgraceful, reprehensible, deplorable, ignoble, ignominious yg patut dicela reprovable, reprehensible, censurable, culpable yg patut dipersalahkan culpable, reprehensible yg patut dihukum punishable, culpable, reprehensible Definisi reprehensible adjektiva deserving censure or condemnation. his complacency and reprehensible laxity sinonim: deplorable, disgraceful, discreditable, despicable, blameworthy, culpable, wrong, bad, shameful, dishonorable, objectionable, opprobrious, repugnant, …