Terjemahan dari slay verba membunuh kill, murder, assassinate, slay, destroy, do away bunuh murder, slay, assassinate Slaying = pembunuhan grisly slaying = pembunuhan yang mengerikan Definisi slay nomina the killing of a person or animal. the slaying of a dragon verba kill (a person or animal) in a violent way. St. George slew the dragon …
Terjemahan dari thuggery nomina pembunuhan murder, killing, assassination, homicide, decimation, thuggery pembunuhan dgn perampokan thuggee, thuggery Comments comments
Terjemahan dari precipice nomina jurang gap, ravine, gorge, cliff, chasm, precipice ngarai canyon, ravine, precipice, chasm, hope tebing curam precipice, cliff, bluff tubir edge, bluff, precipice keadaan berbahaya distress, predicament, precipice Definisi precipice nomina a very steep rock face or cliff, typically a tall one. we swerved toward the edge of the precipice sinonim: cliff …
Terjemahan dari behoove verba harus need, will, be necessary to, behoove, be bound to, behove Definisi behoove verba it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something; it is incumbent on. it behooves any coach to study his predecessors sinonim: be incumbent on, be obligatory for, be required of, be expected of, be …
Terjemahan dari descendant nomina keturunan descent, offspring, descendant, ancestry, heredity, seed turunan derivative, descendant, generation, transcription, inheritance, copy anak cucu children and grandchildren, posterity, offspring, progeny, descendant Definisi descendant nomina a person, plant, or animal that is descended from a particular ancestor. Shakespeare’s last direct descendant sinonim: successor, scion, heir, offspring, progeny, family, lineage, issue, …