Terjemahan dari demolish verba menghancurkan destroy, crush, smash, ruin, demolish, shatter meruntuhkan tear down, overthrow, demolish, raze, pull down, knock down memusnahkan destroy, exterminate, eradicate, wipe out, kill, demolish menggempur storm, demolish, pound, attack and destroy membongkar unload, dismantle, disassemble, unpack, pry, demolish melumpuhkan paralyze, cripple, disable, immobilize, stifle, demolish Definisi demolish verba pull or …
Terjemahan dari waver verba bimbang hesitate, falter, waver, vacillate, wobble, bother berkibar fly, flutter, wave, waver, ruffle goncang jiggle, shake, waver, shimmy, jar, be unstable berkelap-kelip flicker, twinkle, waver ragu-ragu doubt, distrust, stumble, hesitate, nibble, waver Definisi waver verba shake with a quivering motion. the flame wavered in the draft sinonim: flicker, quiver, twinkle, glimmer, …
Terjemahan dari triumph Maaf, saya bukan mau membahas tentang merek BH dan celana dalam wanita, meskipun benar bahwa Triumph International adalah merek underwear terkenal selain Wacoal. nomina kemenangan victory, win, triumph, winning, glory, laurel keberhasilan success, triumph, fruitfulness hasil result, outcome, yield, product, proceeds, triumph verba menang win, prevail, triumph, beat, cinch, gain berhasil succeed, …
Terjemahan dari derelict adjektiva lalai negligent, remiss, neglectful, lax, derelict, slack yg ditinggalkan abandoned, derelict, desert, deserted, forsaken, lorn nomina orang terlantar displaced person, derelict kapal yg ditinggalkan derelict Definisi derelict adjektiva in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect. the cities were derelict and dying sinonim: dilapidated, ramshackle, run-down, tumbledown, …
Definisi bodacious adjektiva excellent, admirable, or attractive. the restaurant serves bodacious grilled lobster Sinonim adjektiva bald-faced, brazen, brazen-faced, audacious, insolent, barefaced, brassy Contoh If there’s anyone who can fill my jeans, it’s Robbie and his bodacious bum! Baby, the bodacious babe seemingly thrown in for nothing other than libidinous eye candy, becomes the ‘Marilyn’ of …