Swiver artinya memutar, memutarkan, atau putaran a coupling between two parts enabling one to revolve without turning the other. Patented swivel axle keeps all three wheels on the ground even on sharp turns. turn around a point or axis or on a swivel. he swiveled in the chair sinonim: turn, rotate, revolve, pivot, swing, spin, twirl, whirl, wheel, gyrate, pirouette Contoh In my opinion the best …
Terjemahan dari precinct nomina halaman page, yard, leaf, precinct, outdoors, out-of-doors seksi section, precinct, platoon, dissection batasan limitation, restriction, boundary, border, framework, precinct Definisi precinct nomina a district of a city or town as defined for police purposes. Data collection took place in nine police precincts in Baltimore City between January and August 1995. sinonim: …
Terjemahan dari raff nomina sampah waste, garbage, trash, rubbish, litter, raff sampah masyarakat ragtag, crum, pariah, raff, the refuse of society, rout Comments comments
Terjemahan dari perilous adjektiva berbahaya dangerous, harmful, hazardous, treacherous, perilous, noxious penuh bahaya perilous membahayakan dangerous, harmful, endangering, perilous, unsafe, pestiferous penuh risiko hazardous, perilous, wildcat, chanceful Definisi perilous adjektiva full of danger or risk. a perilous journey south sinonim: dangerous, fraught with danger, hazardous, risky, unsafe, treacherous, precarious, vulnerable, uncertain, insecure, exposed, at risk, …
Terjemahan dari comrade nomina kawan friend, comrade, fellow, fella, companion, pal rekan colleague, associate, companion, mate, friend, comrade teman friend, companion, mate, comrade, associate, compeer sobat friend, comrade sahabat friend, pal, comrade saudara brother, sister, relation, sib, comrade, gentleman ikhwan brother, comrade cacak elder brother, comrade Definisi comrade nomina a companion who shares one’s activities …