Terjemahan dari thuggery nomina pembunuhan murder, killing, assassination, homicide, decimation, thuggery pembunuhan dgn perampokan thuggee, thuggery Comments comments
Terjemahan dari muck verba mengotori pollute, litter, soil, mess, mar, muck memupuk fertilize, nourish, manure, muck, bring up, rear membuat berantakan muddle, muck Definisi muck verba mishandle (a job or situation); spoil (something). she had mucked up her first few weeks at college remove (manure and other dirt) from a horse’s stable or other animal’s …
Terjemahan dari pseudo- awalan semu pseudo-, quasi-, pseud- palsu pseudo-, pseud- lancung pseudo-, pseud- gadungan pseudo-, pseud- Definisi pseudo- adjektiva not genuine; sham. we are talking about real journalists and not the pseudo kind sinonim: bogus, sham, phony, artificial, mock, ersatz, quasi-, fake, false, spurious, deceptive, misleading, assumed, contrived, affected, insincere, pretend, put-on awalan supposed …
Terjemahan dari utilize verba memanfaatkan utilize, exploit, harness, abuse menggunakan use, make use of, utilize, employ, take, apply Definisi utilize verba make practical and effective use of. vitamin C helps your body utilize the iron present in your diet sinonim: use, make use of, put to use, employ, avail oneself of, bring/press into service, bring …
Terjemahan dari challenge nomina tantangan challenge, dare, defiance penolakan rejection, refusal, denial, repudiation, renunciation, challenge keberatan objection, reservation, drawback, challenge, demur, reluctance ajakan invitation, challenge, stimulus teguran warning, reprimand, reproof, admonition, wig, challenge verba menantang challenge, defy, brave, outdare meragukan question, challenge, suspect, impugn, halt, hang in the balance menegur rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reprove, scold, …