Terjemahan dari lunatic adjektiva gila crazy, mad, insane, nuts, lunatic, crazed nomina orang gila crazy, madman, lunatic, psycho, maniac, nut Definisi lunatic adjektiva mentally ill (not in technical use). Do you remember that one episode of X-Files with that crazed lunatic writer who was in love with Scully? nomina a mentally ill person (not in …
Terjemahan dari disciple nomina murid disciple, pupil, apprentice, grader pengikut follower, disciple, vassal, adherent, cohort, henchman penganut adherent, follower, disciple rasul apostle, prophet, disciple Definisi disciple nomina a personal follower of Jesus during his life, especially one of the twelve Apostles. Jesus’ apostles and disciples in the early Church felt the importance of prayer ahead …
Terjemahan dari loft nomina loteng attic, loft, garret, ceiling, floor, story para-para loft, rack kandang cage, pen, shed, stall, stalls, loft serambi tinggi loft Definisi loft nomina a room or space directly under the roof of a house or other building, which may be used for accommodations or storage. Graham spent the bulk of his …
Terjemahan dari vacillate verba bimbang hesitate, falter, waver, vacillate, wobble, bother terombang-ambing toss, rock, vacillate, oscillate Definisi vacillate verba alternate or waver between different opinions or actions; be indecisive. I had for a time vacillated between teaching and journalism sinonim: dither, waver, be indecisive, be undecided, be ambivalent, hesitate, be of two minds, blow hot …
Terjemahan dari decrepit adjektiva jompo decrepit, old, aged rungkuh decrepit tua sekali decrepit Definisi decrepit adjektiva (of a person) elderly and infirm. a decrepit old drunk sinonim: feeble, infirm, weak, weakly, frail, disabled, incapacitated, crippled, doddering, tottering, old, elderly, aged, ancient, senile, past it, over the hill, no spring chicken Sinonim adjektiva feeble, infirm, weak, …