Terjemahan dari entrance nomina pintu masuk entrance, gateway, gate jalan masuk entrance, access, entryway, inlet, ingoing, ingress masuk entry, entrance, inlet penerimaan reception, acceptance, receipt, admission, enrollment, entrance hal masuk entrance verba mempesona dazzle, enchant, fascinate, charm, mesmerize, entrance memikat lure, attract, entice, enthrall, fascinate, entrance mempesonakan dazzle, magnetize, mesmerize, glamor, charm, entrance Definisi entrance …
Terjemahan dari jurisdiction nomina yurisdiksi jurisdiction wilayah hukum jurisdiction kekuasaan hukum jurisdiction hal mengadili jurisdiction Definisi jurisdiction nomina the official power to make legal decisions and judgments. federal courts had no jurisdiction over the case sinonim: authority, control, power, dominion, rule, administration, command, sway, leadership, sovereignty, hegemony Sinonim nomina authority, control, power, dominion, rule, administration, …
Terjemahan dari vapor verba menguap evaporate, yawn, vaporize, vapor, volatilize, boil away menguapkan vaporize, evaporate, volatilize, vapor, steam, vapour mengukus steam, vapor, vapour berkukus vapor, distill, distil, vapour mengeluarkan issue, spend, release, pull out, put out, vapor nomina uap air steam, vapor, vapour asap smoke, fume, vapor, fog, reek, smolder kukus steam, vapor, marten, vapour …
Terjemahan dari treasury nomina kas cash, treasury, wardrobe, case, desk, cashier’s window perbendaharaan treasury, repertory, exchequer, wealth baitulmal treasury khazanah treasure, treasury, vocabulary bunga rampai potpourri, anthology, miscellany, chrestomathy, treasury Definisi treasury nomina the funds or revenue of a government, corporation, or institution. the country’s pledge not to spend more than it has in its …
Terjemahan dari catastrophe nomina malapetaka havoc, disaster, catastrophe, calamity, doom, misfortune bencana alam catastrophe, cataclysm tewasnya catastrophe mala disaster, havoc, prang, misfortune, calamity, catastrophe Definisi catastrophe nomina an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster. a national economic catastrophe sinonim: disaster, calamity, cataclysm, holocaust, havoc, ruin, ruination, tragedy, adversity, blight, trouble, …