Terjemahan dari hereditary adjektiva turun temurun hereditary warisan hereditary, inheritable, patrimonial pusaka hereditary Definisi hereditary adjektiva (of a title, office, or right) conferred by or based on inheritance. members of the ancient Polish aristocracy who had hereditary right to elect the king Sinonim adjektiva inherited, bequeathed, willed, handed-down, passed-down, passed-on, transferred, ancestral,family, familial genetic, congenital, …
Terjemahan dari slay verba membunuh kill, murder, assassinate, slay, destroy, do away bunuh murder, slay, assassinate Slaying = pembunuhan grisly slaying = pembunuhan yang mengerikan Definisi slay nomina the killing of a person or animal. the slaying of a dragon verba kill (a person or animal) in a violent way. St. George slew the dragon …
Terjemahan dari precinct nomina halaman page, yard, leaf, precinct, outdoors, out-of-doors seksi section, precinct, platoon, dissection batasan limitation, restriction, boundary, border, framework, precinct Definisi precinct nomina a district of a city or town as defined for police purposes. Data collection took place in nine police precincts in Baltimore City between January and August 1995. sinonim: …
Terjemahan dari hellish adjektiva jahat evil, bad, wicked, malicious, sinister, hellish kejam cruel, ruthless, vicious, brutal, harsh, hellish Definisi hellish adjektiva of or like hell. an unearthly, hellish landscape sinonim: infernal, Hadean, chthonic, diabolical, fiendish, satanic, demonic, evil, wicked adverbia extremely (used for emphasis). it was hellish expensive Sinonim adjektiva infernal, Hadean, chthonic, diabolical, fiendish, …
Definisi virtuosity nomina great skill in music or another artistic pursuit. a performance of considerable virtuosity sinonim: skill, skillfulness, mastery, expertise, prowess, proficiency, ability, aptitude, excellence, brilliance, talent, genius, artistry, flair, panache, finesse, wizardry, know-how, chops Sinonim nomina skill, skillfulness, mastery, expertise, prowess, proficiency, ability, aptitude, excellence,brilliance, talent, genius, artistry, flair, panache, finesse, wizardry, know-how, …