Terjemahan dari flabby adjektiva lembek mushy, soft, flabby, flaccid, soggy, weak lemah weak, poor, faint, feeble, frail, flabby lembut soft, tender, delicate, creamy, mild, flabby gembur loose, crumbly, friable, flabby lunak soft, tender, malleable, lenient, mild, flabby lemah hati soft, tame, flabby, flaccid lembut hati meek, tender, mild, suave, easygoing, flabby Definisi flabby adjektiva (of …
Terjemahan dari inquisitor nomina jaksa pengadilan inquisitor Definisi inquisitor nomina a person making an inquiry, especially one seen to be excessively harsh or searching. the professional inquisitors of the press Sinonim nomina interrogator Contoh Well, the inquisitor in our party was curious about the specifics of the policy, and jokingly needled the ranger about the …
Terjemahan dari consent nomina persetujuan approval, consent, agreement, assent, accord, endorsement izin permission, permit, license, consent, clearance, approval ijab consent, final offer, agreement, answer to prayer verba menyetujui agree, approve, accept, consent, accede, endorse mengizinkan allow, permit, authorize, consent, grant, enable mengabulkan grant, fulfill, answer, accede, accept, consent memperkenankan allow, permit, favor, approve, agree, consent …
Terjemahan dari persecution nomina penganiayaan persecution, torture, mistreatment, maltreatment, molestation, torment penyiksaan torture, persecution, torment perburuan hunt, game, persecution, shoot, hunting party penghambatan retardation, persecution, retardment Definisi persecution nomina hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs. her family fled religious persecution sinonim: oppression, victimization, maltreatment, ill-treatment, mistreatment, abuse, ill-usage, discrimination, …
Terjemahan dari vacillate verba bimbang hesitate, falter, waver, vacillate, wobble, bother terombang-ambing toss, rock, vacillate, oscillate Definisi vacillate verba alternate or waver between different opinions or actions; be indecisive. I had for a time vacillated between teaching and journalism sinonim: dither, waver, be indecisive, be undecided, be ambivalent, hesitate, be of two minds, blow hot …