Artikel Sumber It is difficult to change someone‘s opinion by badgering him. The child who begs his mother to “get off his back” when she implores him for some assistance with the household drudgery, may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for himself. How paradoxical that neither is able …
Terjemahan dari doodle nomina gambar yg tak berarti doodle verba menggambar dgn melamun doodle Definisi doodle nomina a rough drawing made absentmindedly. In the notebook were pretty drawings, simple little doodles of simple little joys. verba scribble absentmindedly. he was only doodling in the margin Sinonim nomina scribble, scrabble Contoh This book held all of …
Terjemahan dari melodious adjektiva merdu tunable, melodious, melodic, sweet, tuneful, mellifluous musik melodious berlagu melodious selaras conformable, in tune, consistent, harmonious, harmonic, melodious bagai buluh perindu melodious Definisi melodious adjektiva of, producing, or having a pleasant tune; tuneful. the melodious chant of the monks Sinonim adjektiva tuneful, melodic, musical, mellifluous, dulcet, sweet-sounding, silvery, harmonious,euphonious, lyrical, …
Terjemahan dari defy verba menentang oppose, defy, resist, go against, confront, argue menantang challenge, defy, brave, outdare membantah argue, deny, dispute, disprove, rebut, defy melanggar violate, break, infringe, transgress, contravene, defy tahan menghadapi defy Definisi defy verba openly resist or refuse to obey. a woman who defies convention sinonim: disobey, go against, flout, fly in …
Terjemahan dari perennial adjektiva abadi eternal, lasting, timeless, immortal, perennial, enduring tahan lama durable, perennial, serviceable, wear-resistant kekal eternal, everlasting, lasting, immutable, permanent, perennial tahunan annual, yearly, perennial, anniversary, Etesian nomina tumbuhan yg tetap hijau perennial Definisi perennial adjektiva lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring. his perennial …