Terjemahan dari raff nomina sampah waste, garbage, trash, rubbish, litter, raff sampah masyarakat ragtag, crum, pariah, raff, the refuse of society, rout Comments comments
Terjemahan dari sabbatical nomina cuti panjang sabbatical, sabbatical leave, sabbatical year Definisi sabbatical adjektiva of or relating to a sabbatical. Only two of the paid sabbatical positions were contested, adding to concerns raised during the hustings that OUSU was failing to display its relevancy to the student body. of or appropriate to the sabbath. What …
Terjemahan dari condescend verba berkenan deign, condescend, agree, hold with berlagak swank, pose, show off, profess, gasconade, condescend jual lagak condescend, bridle up menurunkan martabat abase, condescend, stoop, down-grade bersikap melindungi condescend ramah thd bawahan condescend Definisi condescend verba show feelings of superiority; be patronizing. take care not to condescend to your reader sinonim: patronize, …
Terjemahan dari recent adjektiva baru new, recent, fresh, novel, modern, span-new belakangan ini recent aktuil current, recent, topical buncit distended, bloated, last, bulging, recent, pregnant yg baru terjadi recent, topical baru-baru recent, late Definisi recent adjektiva having happened, begun, or been done not long ago or not long before; belonging to a past period of …
Terjemahan dari buxom adjektiva montok plump, curvaceous, buxom, bonny gemuk fat, chubby, stout, fatty, portly, buxom sehat healthy, sound, well, wholesome, fit, buxom manis sweet, cute, sugary, pretty, good, buxom segar fresh, refreshing, succulent, sweet, healthy, buxom gembira happy, excited, glad, delighted, elated, buxom ria jolly, joyful, hilarious, merry, joyous, buxom Definisi buxom adjektiva (of …