
Terjemahan dari limbo
tempat bagi orang yg dibuang
tempat bagi orang yg terlupa
Definisi limbo
somewhere between here and there;
not quite in Heaven but not in Hell either;
Carribean dance where people bend backwards to go under a stick held in the air and set to music
When you die suddenly, your soul gets stuck in limbo.

Anyone want to do the limbo?

(in some Christian beliefs) the supposed abode of the souls of unbaptized infants, and of the just who died before Christ’s coming.
She wore a black bonnet to match her dress and gloves; to Jeremiah she looked like an engraving he’d once seen of a restless soul in limbo .
an uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or condition.
the fate of the Contras is now in limbo
perform the limbo.
While listening to calypso music, many of those being entertained like to dance the limbo , a dance very popular among Grenadian Americans.
  • The government could have been left in limbo for weeks in conditions where the IMF, the World Bank and business leaders are demanding immediate action to try to pull the economy out of a deep recession.
  • The controversial defection law was put on ice yesterday pending a Constitutional Court decision, leaving some politicians in limbo and others scrambling for survival.
  • But now it has been revealed that plans to set up the club are in limbo as Bradford Council, which owns the building, negotiates a fee with Youth Services – one of its own departments.
  • Conway Twitty was playing on my dad’s phonograph, and she was dancing the limbo .
  • The inquiry is in limbo because of the decision of the court today.
  • The Trinidadians must take credit/responsibility for the limbo , that impressive athletic feat which is now the scourge of every tropical party.
  • Children from the day nursery made their own party food and danced and performed the limbo .
  • For two years the album had been stuck in limbo , until someone introduced him into the right circles.
  • IMAGINE YOU’RE DOING the limbo , only don’t allow your back to bend backward.
  • He was left in limbo by Scottish Labour’s Executive, which refused to endorse his candidacy until Fife police concluded their investigations into the case.
  • The 1950s recordings have been in limbo until recently, boasting neither modern sound nor superlative sentimental value.
  • children left in an emotional limbo
  • I suffered for eight months in limbo whilst awaiting the Crown Prosecution Service decision.
  • Spin FM, which was due to begin broadcasting last February, remains in limbo , at least until after the Supreme Court hear the appeal towards the end of this year.
  • Is their investigation and resolution to be left in limbo ?
  • So that leaves shareholders in limbo until further details are released.
  • At the time of going to press, Sligo Airport is still sitting in limbo , as it awaits the decision of the Department of Transport’s Aviation Authority.
  • Play limbo , dance barefoot and swim like a tropical fish.
Baca Juga  Legion
She wore a black bonnet to match her dress and gloves; to Jeremiah she looked like an engraving he’d once seen of a restless soul in limbo .
The players and the many supporters who turn out each week to get behind their club, deserve much better than being left in limbo for an indefinite period.
So there they stayed, in limbo , until after resolution 1441 when last November they were allowed to return.
the fate of the Contras is now in limbo
In time, argues Winnicott, the transitional object is relegated to limbo , neither mourned nor forgotten, just losing its meaning.
But the decision still left them in limbo until a final decision could be made on the park’s future.
As a result, nominees have been left in limbo , courthouses sit empty, justice is delayed, political rhetoric has escalated and political civility has suffered.
Your money will be in limbo until the end of the year.
the legal battle could leave the club in limbo until next year
While listening to calypso music, many of those being entertained like to dance the limbo , a dance very popular among Grenadian Americans.
At school, like my peers, I was indoctrinated in the mysteries of original and venal sin, virgin birth, the respective criteria for entry to limbo , purgatory, and heaven.
But the move was widely criticised with North Yorkshire MPs claiming it was ‘absolutely scandalous’ and had left passengers in limbo for a further two years.
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