Terjemahan dari concern nomina perhatian attention, concern, care, interest, consideration, notice urusan affairs, business, matter, dealings, concern, charge soal matter, problem, question, thing, item, concern keprihatian concern, thoughtfulness perusahaan company, enterprise, firm, corporation, business, concern firma firm, company, enterprise, concern, concernment kemasygulan concern, heartbreak, anxiety, moodiness, hip prihatian concern kemasgulan anxiety, concern, heartbreak, moodiness, hip …
Terjemahan dari inane adjektiva bodoh stupid, foolish, fool, dumb, ignorant, inane tolol foolish, stupid, fool, silly, idiotic, inane kurang bijaksana undiplomatic, maladroit, crackbrained, inane, ill-judged kosong empty, blank, vacant, free, bare, inane tak berarti meaningless, insignificant, negligible, pointless, inconsiderable, inane Definisi inane adjektiva silly; stupid. don’t constantly badger people with inane questions sinonim: silly, foolish, …
Terjemahan dari interest nomina bunga interest, flower, floral design, cream, the best part kepentingan interest, importance, benefit, behalf, concerns, significance minat interest, readability, fun, stake, savor, sapidity perhatian attention, concern, care, interest, consideration, notice keuntungan advantage, profit, benefit, gain, return, interest animo interest, zest, energy, gusto interes interest hal penting interest cam interest, attention verba …
Terjemahan dari reprehensible adjektiva tercela despicable, disgraceful, reprehensible, deplorable, ignoble, ignominious yg patut dicela reprovable, reprehensible, censurable, culpable yg patut dipersalahkan culpable, reprehensible yg patut dihukum punishable, culpable, reprehensible Definisi reprehensible adjektiva deserving censure or condemnation. his complacency and reprehensible laxity sinonim: deplorable, disgraceful, discreditable, despicable, blameworthy, culpable, wrong, bad, shameful, dishonorable, objectionable, opprobrious, repugnant, …
Terjemahan dari peasant nomina petani farmer, peasant, husbandman, agriculturist, tiller, cultivator orang desa villager, peasant, countryman, rustic, hayseed, bucolic tani farmer, peasant Definisi peasant nomina a poor farmer of low social status who owns or rents a small piece of land for cultivation (chiefly in historical use or with reference to subsistence farming in poorer …