Terjemahan dari molest verba menganiaya persecute, mistreat, torture, molest, maul, manhandle mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, molest Definisi molest verba pester or harass (someone), typically in an aggressive or persistent manner. the crowd was shouting abuse and molesting the two police officers sinonim: harass, harry, hassle, pester, bother, annoy, beset, persecute, torment, roust Sinonim …
erjemahan dari obese adjektiva gendut obese, bloated, tubby, corpulent, pregnant, very profitable gepuk obese, fat gemuk sekali obese Definisi obese adjektiva grossly fat or overweight. It is estimated that more than one in five Britons is now classed as obese and three-quarters are overweight. sinonim: fat, overweight, corpulent, gross, stout, fleshy, heavy, portly, plump, paunchy, …
Terjemahan dari solace nomina penghiburan consolation, solace, reassurance, entertainment, refuge hiburan entertainment, amusement, consolation, comfort, solace, pastime pelipur lara solace penghibur entertainer, comforter, consolation, entertainment, reassurance, solace verba menghibur entertain, comfort, amuse, console, cheer up, solace melipur console, entertain, solace, hearten Definisi solace nomina comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness. she …
Definisi bodacious adjektiva excellent, admirable, or attractive. the restaurant serves bodacious grilled lobster Sinonim adjektiva bald-faced, brazen, brazen-faced, audacious, insolent, barefaced, brassy Contoh If there’s anyone who can fill my jeans, it’s Robbie and his bodacious bum! Baby, the bodacious babe seemingly thrown in for nothing other than libidinous eye candy, becomes the ‘Marilyn’ of …
Terjemahan dari complicity nomina keterlibatan involvement, complicity, entanglement, implication kelibatan complicity hal terlibat dlm sesuatu complicity Definisi complicity nomina the state of being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing. they were accused of complicity in the attempt to overthrow the government sinonim: collusion, involvement, collaboration, connivance, conspiracy, being in cahoots Sinonim nomina …