cuddle artinya mengemong, atau memeluk dengan penuh kasih sayang Contoh Kalimat : The revised plans for the block have been posted in an obscure place which only the people parking their cars for a quick kiss and a cuddle will see. Actually, what she means is that she thinks I’m a sucker for a …
Prehensile artinya yang dapat memegang Perhatikan contoh kalimat di bawah : Nocturnal and arboreal, they clamber up trees and hang from limbs thanks to long prehensile tails and opposable inside toes (like thumbs) on their hind feet. This animal has a prehensile tail, which means it lives in the treetops. Coendou and Sphiggurus are arboreal …
Terjemahan dari impair verba merusak ruin, spoil, undermine, harm, impair, corrupt mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, impair melemahkan weaken, attenuate, dilute, sap, impair, debilitate mengurangi decrease, cut, mitigate, lessen, alleviate, impair menghalangi prevent, hinder, deter, preclude, impede, impair Definisi impair verba weaken or damage something (especially a human faculty or function). drug use that …
Terjemahan dari perennial adjektiva abadi eternal, lasting, timeless, immortal, perennial, enduring tahan lama durable, perennial, serviceable, wear-resistant kekal eternal, everlasting, lasting, immutable, permanent, perennial tahunan annual, yearly, perennial, anniversary, Etesian nomina tumbuhan yg tetap hijau perennial Definisi perennial adjektiva lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring. his perennial …
Terjemahan dari eminence nomina keunggulan excellence, superiority, primacy, supremacy, predominance, eminence bukit hill, mount, heights, eminence, swell, knap keutamaan virtue, superiority, eminence, eminency kemasyhuran fame, notoriety, renown, spurs, luster, eminence kebesaran greatness, grandeur, majesty, magnificence, pomp, eminence kedudukan terkemuka eminency, eminence tempat yg tinggi eminence, eminency Definisi eminence nomina fame or recognized superiority, especially within …