bum, tramp, bummer, vagrant, hobo, vagabond
the party was a real bummer
A good number of men now filling high places in the land have been, in their Californian days, bummers .
You lost your wallet? Bummer!
bum, tramp, bummer, vagrant, hobo, vagabond
the party was a real bummer
A good number of men now filling high places in the land have been, in their Californian days, bummers .
You lost your wallet? Bummer!
Insurrection artinya pemberontakan Beberapa contoh kalimat : Contoh The Maoist rebels have been waging a Marxist insurrection in Nepal for nine years to abolish the monarchy. The insurrection swept the old government from office and could only be crushed by the might of the Russian army. the insurrection was savagely put down An urban insurrection …
Swagger artinya sombong, belagu, berjalan dengan sikap sombong Contoh Kalimat : There is something of an arrogant swagger about Ibrahimovic. One exchange neatly sums up the swagger of the young, high, stupid and heavily armed. Smit slowly walked back to his chair with an arrogant swagger . The Saints duly went marching in, although it …
Terjemahan dari despicable adjektiva tercela despicable, disgraceful, reprehensible, deplorable, ignoble, ignominious hina despicable, abject, contemptible, lowly, humble, vile keji vile, nasty, vicious, despicable, wicked, nefarious yg patut dibenci despicable, execrable Definisi despicable adjektiva deserving hatred and contempt. a despicable crime sinonim: contemptible, loathsome, hateful, detestable, reprehensible, abhorrent, abominable, awful, heinous, odious, vile, low, mean, abject, …
Terjemahan dari mellifluous adjektiva merdu tunable, melodious, melodic, sweet, tuneful, mellifluous Definisi mellifluous adjektiva (of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear. the voice was mellifluous and smooth sinonim: sweet-sounding, dulcet, honeyed, mellow, soft, liquid, silvery, soothing, rich, smooth, euphonious, harmonious, tuneful, musical Sinonim adjektiva sweet-sounding, dulcet, honeyed, mellow, soft, liquid, silvery, …
Terjemahan dari nondescript adjektiva yg tak dpt digolongkan nondescript tak termasuk sesuatu jenis tertentu nondescript Definisi nondescript adjektiva lacking distinctive or interesting features or characteristics. she lived in a nondescript suburban apartment block sinonim: undistinguished, unremarkable, unexceptional, featureless, characterless, faceless, unmemorable, lackluster, ordinary, commonplace, average, run-of-the-mill, mundane, garden-variety, uninteresting, uninspiring, uninvolving, colorless, bland, dull nomina …