
Terjemahan dari gibberish
cara bicara merepet
gibber, gibberish
cara bicara membual
gibber, gibberish
cara bicara mericau
gibber, gibberish
bahasa raban
gibberish, raving
Definisi gibberish
unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.
he talks gibberish
sinonim: nonsense, garbage, balderdash, blather, rubbish, drivel, gobbledygook, mumbo jumbo, tripe, hogwash, baloney, bilge, bull, bunk, guff, eyewash, piffle, twaddle, poppycock, verbal diarrhea
  • nonsense, garbage, balderdash, blather, rubbish, drivel, gobbledygook, mumbo jumbo, tripe,hogwash, baloney, bilge, bull, bunk, guff, eyewash, piffle, twaddle, poppycock, verbal diarrhea
  • gibber
The one thing that they had in common was that they all spoke gibberish .
Thus the actual idea behind what they were doing was lost and what remained was mindless gibberishin an alien language.
he talks gibberish
he talks gibberish
Why do parties insist on meaningless gibberish as conference slogans?
A strangely high proportion of the spam I receive is written in gibberish .
He burst into hysterical tears of confusion, speaking a line of nonsensical gibberish .
There was this chap I used to work with many years ago, who used to talk the most incomprehensiblegibberish with tremendous enthusiasm.
At first the monkeys were intrigued with the computers and typed all sorts of stuff, even though it was meaningless gibberish .
How much longer have we got to endure glib stupidity and bluster passing as ‘moral clarity’ or some such gibberish ?
I always suspected David was prone to moments of gibberish .
Sleep talking can range from a word or two of gibberish , to an entire speech.
Who speaks the most gibberish , the worst jargon, the most twisted English and the biggest pile of gobbledegook?
He appeared to be talking gibberish about fridges and freezers.
Given the choice of English or gibberish , financial firms choose to spout utter nonsense!
The kind of lesson the inspectors would enjoy would be for the teacher to sit in silence while the students talk gibberish to each other.
If you’ve not read the books and this sounds like gibberish , don’t worry.
The ending really is one where you stare at the TV for about 5 minutes after its over and muttergibberish .
I think that I’ve been talking gibberish for approximately the past twelve hours.
It was just none of them wanted to be around the parents and their nonsense gibberish .
Then he noticed Andrew acting strangely, grinning and waving, talking gibberish to himself and fidgeting.
And cue the most incomprehensible stream of gibberish ever to pour forth from a human being’s mouth.



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