Terjemahan dari convalesce verba menjadi sehat kembali snap back, convalesce sembuh recover, heal, mend, recuperate, get over, convalesce Definisi convalesce verba recover one’s health and strength over a period of time after an illness or operation. he spent eight months convalescing after the stroke sinonim: recuperate, get better, recover, get well, get back on one’s …
Sumber Vocabulary One of the anomalies of our approach to history is the propensity to study the venerable empire of Europe, but we do not feel it incumbent upon us to ascertain anything about the civilizations in our own hemisphere. We deprecate the history of this part of the world as though progress lay dormant …
Terjemahan dari persuade verba membujuk persuade, coax, entice, induce, lure, cajole meyakinkan convince, reassure, persuade, make sure, confirm, satisfy memujuk persuade, flatter, play up, beslaver, butter up, convince mengajak invite, engage, urge, persuade, entice, suggest mendesak urge, insist, push, press, demand, persuade merayu seduce, woo, persuade, flatter, coax, court Definisi persuade verba cause (someone) to …
Terjemahan dari hatch verba menetas hatch, incubate, crack open mengeramkan hatch menetaskan incubate, hatch, cause to break out mengeram incubate, brood, hatch, imprison merencanakan plan, plot, devise, design, schedule, hatch menggores scratch, scrape, etch, strike, touch, hatch nomina lubang palka hatch pengeraman incubation, hatch, sitting garis line, stripe, streak, contour, dash, hatch gores scratch, scar, …
Terjemahan dari restrictive adjektiva bersifat membatasi restrictive Definisi restrictive adjektiva imposing restrictions or limitations on someone’s activities or freedom. a web of restrictive regulations (of a relative clause or descriptive phrase) serving to specify the particular instance or instances being mentioned. The problem is that few people have followed these rules systematically, and you can …