yg berhubung
appurtenant, bound, related, connected, concerned, germane
that is not germane to our theme
yg berhubung
appurtenant, bound, related, connected, concerned, germane
that is not germane to our theme
Terjemahan dari detour nomina jalan memutar detour penyimpangan deviation, aberration, distortion, drift, diversion, detour pemutaran turning, reversal, detour Definisi detour nomina a long or roundabout route taken to avoid something or to visit somewhere along the way. he had made a detour to a cafe verba take a long or roundabout route. he detoured around …
Terjemahan dari perennial adjektiva abadi eternal, lasting, timeless, immortal, perennial, enduring tahan lama durable, perennial, serviceable, wear-resistant kekal eternal, everlasting, lasting, immutable, permanent, perennial tahunan annual, yearly, perennial, anniversary, Etesian nomina tumbuhan yg tetap hijau perennial Definisi perennial adjektiva lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring. his perennial …
Terjemahan dari manner nomina cara way, how, manner, means, mode, method sikap attitude, gesture, manner, demeanor, posture, pose gaya style, force, fashion, manner, genre, energy macam kind, sort, manner, variety, type, species ragam manner, kind, fad, style, type, whim olah manner, trick rentak behavior, tramp, time, measure, manner, behaviour lagu song, tune, piece, melody, number, …
Terjemahan dari frenzy nomina kegilaan madness, craziness, frenzy, lunacy, psychosis, mania hiruk-pikuk uproar, hurly-burly, frenzy, pandemonium, bedlam, din Definisi frenzy nomina a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior. Doreen worked herself into a frenzy of rage sinonim: hysteria, madness, mania, delirium, feverishness, fever, wildness, agitation, turmoil, tumult, wild excitement, euphoria, elation, ecstasy; …
Terjemahan dari promulgate verba menyebarluaskan disseminate, propagate, promulgate, blaze abroad memaklumkan promulgate, serve notice, advise memberitahukan tell, notify, inform, give, announce, promulgate mengajarkan teach, preach, lecture, promulgate mengumumkan dgn resmi promulgate Definisi promulgate verba promote or make widely known (an idea or cause). these objectives have to be promulgated within the organization sinonim: make known, …