Terjemahan dari prowess nomina kecakapan prowess, skill, proficiency, ability, capacity, competence keberanian courage, bravery, nerve, guts, boldness, prowess kegagahan valor, prowess, gallantry, bravery, courage, conceitedness kejagoan prowess, mastery Definisi prowess nomina skill or expertise in a particular activity or field. his prowess as a fisherman sinonim: skill, expertise, mastery, facility, ability, capability, capacity, savoir faire, …
Terjemahan dari trespass nomina pelanggaran violation, offense, breach, infringement, foul, trespass kesalahan error, mistake, fault, wrong, guilt, trespass dosa sin, guilt, transgression, crime, offense, trespass penyalahgunaan abuse, misuse, misappropriation, misapplication, manipulation, trespass verba masuk tanpa izin trespass melanggar violate, break, infringe, transgress, contravene, trespass bersalah fault, go wrong, be at fault, trespass, offend, make a …
Terjemahan dari cliche nomina kata klise cliche klise percetakan cliche Definisi cliché nomina a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought. the old cliché “one man’s meat is another man’s poison.” sinonim: platitude, hackneyed phrase, commonplace, banality, old saying, maxim, truism, stock phrase, trite phrase, old chestnut a stereotype …
Terjemahan dari scoff verba mencemoohkan flout, mock, scoff, sneer, scorn, deride melahap devour, gobble, scoff, be gluttonous mengejekkan scoff, hoot, monkey, smile, scout, travesty nomina ejekan ridicule, mockery, derision, ribbing, teasing, scoff sindiran satire, insinuation, innuendo, hint, allusion, scoff cemooh scorn, ridicule, derision, insult, waggery, scoff makanan food, meal, diet, feed, feeding, scoff Definisi scoff …
Terjemahan dari amidst preposisi di kalangan amid, amidst di tengah-tengah midst, amid, amidst, in the thick of Contoh amidst There was quite a bit of tartan, along with the more traditionally sombre garb, and many smiles amidstthe tears. Eggs hidden inside the cab of a toy truck or amidst the set of wooden blocks will …