Terjemahan dari rummage verba menggeledah search, rummage, ransack, frisk, comb, comb out mengubrak-abrik destroy, upset, rummage, root about membuka-buka leaf through, rummage nomina penggeledahan search, shakedown, searching, rummage, frisk, comb-out barang rombengan rummage, junk, trash, odds and ends, odd-come-shorts barang loakan junk, trash, odds and ends, rummage, odd-come-shorts barang rongsokan junk, trash, odds and ends, …
Terjemahan dari virtuous adjektiva berbudi luhur virtuous, noble, noble-minded, high-minded saleh pious, godly, devout, virtuous, religious, holy suci holy, sacred, pure, saintly, chaste, virtuous bajik virtuous, wholesome, good berbudi tinggi virtuous gunawan virtuous, noble, useful berbudi mulia noble, virtuous, noble-minded, high-minded Definisi virtuous adjektiva having or showing high moral standards. she considered herself very virtuous …
Terjemahan dari solace nomina penghiburan consolation, solace, reassurance, entertainment, refuge hiburan entertainment, amusement, consolation, comfort, solace, pastime pelipur lara solace penghibur entertainer, comforter, consolation, entertainment, reassurance, solace verba menghibur entertain, comfort, amuse, console, cheer up, solace melipur console, entertain, solace, hearten Definisi solace nomina comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness. she …
Terjemahan dari across preposisi diseberang across, over adverbia jarak lintas across lintang across hadap across Definisi across preposisi from one side to the other of (something). Sinonim adverbia crossways, crosswise Contoh it’s right across from the beach A lot of glass flew across the classroom and some of the children were quite alarmed. Like a …
Terjemahan dari charge nomina biaya cost, fee, charge, expense, tab, duty tuduhan accusation, charge, indictment, count, imputation, impeachment dakwaan indictment, charge, accusation, arraignment, inculpation, crimination kelah complaint, charge isi contents, body, charge, text, volume, filling ongkos cost, fee, charge, expense, exes, outlay beban load, burden, loading, charge, yoke, encumbrance tuntutan demand, claim, charge, requirement, indictment, …