Terjemahan dari modicum nomina jumlah sedikit modicum, tiny bit, few, tad, pittance, trifle Definisi modicum nomina a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something considered desirable or valuable. his statement had more than a modicum of truth sinonim: small amount, particle, speck, fragment, scrap, crumb, grain, morsel, shred, dash, drop, pinch, soupçon, jot, iota, …
Terjemahan dari imply verba berarti mean, imply, matter, signify, count, spell mengartikan interpret, define, imply, bear a meaning for membisikkan whisper, murmur, suggest, imply menunjukkan kebenaran imply menunjukkan yg benar imply Definisi imply verba strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated). the salesmen who uses jargon to imply his superior knowledge …
Contoh helluva Discussing books with your friend is one helluva exercise, I tell ya. It’s a wide open race and I think it’s a good thing because it’s turning into a helluva show. That’s a helluva lot of money for one member of Congress from one small company. I realised I’d just seen a really …
Terjemahan dari pathetic adjektiva sedih sad, miserable, sorrowful, depressed, mournful, pathetic pedih poignant, sore, smarting, acute, pathetic yg menyedihkan pitiful, sad, miserable, dumpish, pathetic, heartrending Definisi pathetic adjektiva arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness. she looked so pathetic that I bent down to comfort her sinonim: pitiful, pitiable, piteous, moving, touching, poignant, plaintive, distressing, …
Tanding Ulang Definisi rematch nomina a second match or game between two teams or players. The first playoff game saw a rematch of their last round-robin game against the Brokenhead team from Red Deer. Sinonim nomina replay Contoh Tuesday night, in a rematch with the Nets, he scored 27 points and led the Wizards to …