Terjemahan dari slay verba membunuh kill, murder, assassinate, slay, destroy, do away bunuh murder, slay, assassinate Slaying = pembunuhan grisly slaying = pembunuhan yang mengerikan Definisi slay nomina the killing of a person or animal. the slaying of a dragon verba kill (a person or animal) in a violent way. St. George slew the dragon …
Terjemahan dari canine nomina anjing dog, canine, pooch, hound, Canis, despicable fellow taring canine, tusk, tush, canine tooth gigi taring canine, canine tooth, cuspid, fang, dog tooth gigi asu dog tooth, canine, canine tooth, fang, cuspid adjektiva berkenaan dgn anjing canine Definisi canine adjektiva of, relating to, or resembling a dog or dogs. canine distemper …
Terjemahan dari patrimony nomina warisan heritage, legacy, inheritance, patrimony, bequest, heirdom harta warisan nenek moyang patrimony Definisi patrimony nomina property inherited from one’s father or male ancestor. The modern official formation of the Japanese canon of cultural patrimony dates back to the first cultural protection law of 1871. Sinonim nomina heritage, inheritance, birthright, legacy, bequest, …
Terjemahan dari disrelish nomina rasa jijik contempt, revulsion, repulsion, aversion, scunner, disrelish verba menjijikkan disgust, repel, loathe, revolt, sicken, disrelish Definisi disrelish nomina a feeling of dislike or distaste. disrelish for any pursuit is ample reason for abandoning it verba regard (something) with dislike or distaste. I am not surprised that some members should disrelish …
Terjemahan dari perennial adjektiva abadi eternal, lasting, timeless, immortal, perennial, enduring tahan lama durable, perennial, serviceable, wear-resistant kekal eternal, everlasting, lasting, immutable, permanent, perennial tahunan annual, yearly, perennial, anniversary, Etesian nomina tumbuhan yg tetap hijau perennial Definisi perennial adjektiva lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring. his perennial …