
Terjemahan dari effigy
statue, sculpture, image, effigy, figure, carving
image, picture, drawing, figure, photo, effigy
dummy, hobgoblin, puppet, doll, effigy
Definisi effigy
a sculpture or model of a person.
coins bearing the effigy of Maria Theresa of Austria
sinonim: statue, statuette, sculpture, model, dummy, figurine, likeness, image, bust
  • statue, statuette, sculpture, model, dummy, figurine, likeness, image, bust
  • image, simulacrum
The tomb effigy , the memorial portrait, and the death mask approach a condition of perfect substitutability for the irrevocably absent object, the once-living body.
There are late medieval sculpted monuments in the cathedral, as well as the altar tomb effigy of Bishop Wellesley who died in 1539.
It is ironic that his tomb effigy should show him brandishing an unsheathed sword.
angry campaigners plan to burn an effigy of the social security minister
A university student was sentenced on Wednesday to five months in jail for burning an effigy of the President during a protest march last year.
The protesters also burned an effigy of the House of Representatives Speaker.
Perched atop a rocky pedestal sits a demonic looking clay statue, an effigy of the devil; complete with real rams horns and a human-hair goatee beard.
After the public procession, the effigy is buried, destroyed, or abandoned in the forest.
The effigy on her tomb in the abbey shows her beauty and is remarkable for its attention to detail.
the senator was burned in effigy
One young graphic designer from Ennis had come to the protest with a life-size effigy of the prime minister.
Some of the protesters burnt an effigy of the Health Minister.
Imbued with all of Carpeaux’s desire to create a monumental effigy , this bust reveals much of his personal attachment to Napoleon.
a tomb effigy of Eleanor of Aquitaine
coins bearing the effigy of Maria Theresa of Austria
Around him, protesters burned effigies of the once revered king, chanting for him to be hanged as they began to move towards the heavily guarded royal palace.
The exhibition includes more than 300 objects including tapestries. jewellery, stained glass, tombeffigies and sculptures, as well as paintings and illuminated books.
I do, however, recall seeing on television protestors burning effigies and flags.
My naive idea of a sculptor is someone who works with clay or other materials, or chisels away at a piece of stone to create figures, busts and statues, likenesses and effigies , that only they, with their huge talent, can create.
The police dutifully later detained student protesters for burning effigies of her and even went so far as to arrest a street cartoonist for drawing unflattering caricatures of the president.
The protestors burnt effigies representing the demons of inflation and privatisation.
We will burn effigies to voice our protest.
The grand effigies that typify civic sculpture invariably commemorate great statesmen, founding fathers or political icons.
On New Year’s, festivities include fireworks and the burning of effigies (representations of disliked people), made by stuffing old clothes.
Tempers are flaring in both countries, with protesters burning effigies of each other’s leaders.
The protesters separately burned the effigies of top local officials and senior legislators they blamed for obstructing their interests.
Gagging the mouth, blindfolding and burning effigies are some of the usual forms of protest.
The counterpart of the English and Scottish passion for painted portraits was an almost equal obsession with sculpted effigies on tombs.
The twin sons enthusiastically joined the protesters, carrying posters and burning effigies of the state leaders.
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