Terjemahan dari convey verba menyampaikan convey, deliver, submit, pass, express, present membawa bring, take, carry, lead, bring out, convey menyatakan declare, state, express, claim, assert, convey mengatakan say, tell, claim, speak, mention, convey mengucapkan say, utter, pronounce, express, give, convey mengiringkan escort, conduct, convey, follow menyerahkan hak convey Definisi convey verba transport or carry to …
Definisi virtuosity nomina great skill in music or another artistic pursuit. a performance of considerable virtuosity sinonim: skill, skillfulness, mastery, expertise, prowess, proficiency, ability, aptitude, excellence, brilliance, talent, genius, artistry, flair, panache, finesse, wizardry, know-how, chops Sinonim nomina skill, skillfulness, mastery, expertise, prowess, proficiency, ability, aptitude, excellence,brilliance, talent, genius, artistry, flair, panache, finesse, wizardry, know-how, …
Terjemahan dari circulate verba mengedarkan circulate, distribute, pass out, send out, push, circularize beredar circulate, revolve memperedarkan circulate, turn, rotate, revolve, distribute, pass round melegarkan circulate berkunjung visit, pay a visit, circulate, see Definisi circulate verba move or cause to move continuously or freely through a closed system or area. antibodies circulate in the bloodstream …
Terjemahan dari compassion nomina iba compassion, bowels keharuan compassion perasaan terharu compassion perasaan sayang compassion, pity perasaan belas kasihan compassion, pity iba kasihan compassion, bowels Definisi compassion nomina sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. the victims should be treated with compassion sinonim: pity, sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, care, concern, solicitude, …
Terjemahan dari apprentice nomina magang apprentice, clerk, volunteer murid disciple, pupil, apprentice, grader cantrik apprentice, pupil Definisi apprentice nomina a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at low wages. an apprentice electrician sinonim: trainee, learner, probationer, novice, beginner, starter, cadet, tenderfoot, pupil, student, …