Terjemahan dari enmity nomina permusuhan hostility, enmity, feud, antagonism, malignancy, malignity kebencian hatred, hate, resentment, loathing, hostility, enmity persetruan enmity, feud kasemat conflict, altercation, feud, enmity, hatred kesumat altercation, hatred, enmity, conflict Definisi enmity nomina the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. enmity between Protestants and Catholics sinonim: …
Terjemahan dari dismantle verba membongkar unload, dismantle, disassemble, unpack, pry, expose mencopot remove, take off, strip, disconnect, relieve, dismantle mencopoti cannibalize, take off, strip, relieve, dismantle, disconnect Definisi dismantle verba take (a machine or structure) to pieces. the engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap sinonim: take apart, pull apart, pull to …
Terjemahan dari tinge nomina semburat tinge nada tone, note, pitch, vein, tinge, ring warna sedikit tinge cat paint, tincture, tint, tinge verba mewarnai sedikit tinge mencat sedikit tinge memberi nada pd tinge Definisi tinge nomina a tendency toward or trace of some color. there was a faint pink tinge to the sky sinonim: tint, color, …
in trouble n a bad situation, in a losing position. The phrase comes from pool (or billiards). When the cue (white) ball is behind the eight (black) ball, a player usually has no shot. I’m really behind the eight ball at work. I have too much work to do but we can’t afford to hire …
Terjemahan dari shimmer verba berkilau sparkle, shimmer, glisten, glitter, glare, glint berkelip twinkle, blink, flicker, sparkle, glitter, shimmer berkelip-kelip glitter, twinkle, flicker, nictitate, nictate, shimmer nomina kilau luster, sparkle, sheen, shine, shimmer, scintillation cahaya gemerlap shimmer cahaya yg berkilau-kilau shimmer Definisi shimmer nomina a soft, slightly wavering light. a pale shimmer of moonlight sinonim: glint, …