
Terjemahan dari disciple
disciple, pupil, apprentice, grader
follower, disciple, vassal, adherent, cohort, henchman
adherent, follower, disciple
apostle, prophet, disciple
Definisi disciple
a personal follower of Jesus during his life, especially one of the twelve Apostles.
Jesus’ apostles and disciples in the early Church felt the importance of prayer ahead of missionary activity.
sinonim: apostle, follower
  • apostle, follower
  • follower, adherent, believer, admirer, devotee, acolyte, votary, pupil, student, learner, upholder,supporter, advocate, proponent, apologist
  • adherent
Lebih sedikit sinonim
Then gradually, as his disciple , I became his assistant and then when he could not attend the classes, one day he told me, ‘This is your time, now you take it.’
It is easier for a couple to perform together when the husband is the teacher and the wife is thedisciple .
Later, as Jesus was being tried by the High Priest, his disciple Peter was challenged and denied knowing him – just as Jesus had predicted.
At the level of the heart connection, mutual passion links the teacher and disciple .
a disciple of Rousseau
The teacher or the master shows the way, and it’s up to the disciple or the student to find.
a disciple of Rousseau
Pius II said of Catherine: ‘She seemed to have been a teacher rather than a disciple .’
Our Straussian disciple starts out like any graduate student-hapless, insecure, and terrified that he might not make the grade.
Spencer was a social philosopher and a disciple of Lamarck.
This solution is unacceptable to everyone except School economists and their disciples .
And many of Plato’s classical and medieval disciples strained to make a more concrete reality out of his metaphors.
St. Peter, who was a fisherman, was one of Jesus Christ’s closest disciples .
Those who had been disciples now became teachers, those who had been masters became pupils.
Jesus called, formed, and sent out twelve disciples with the name of ‘apostle’, meaning someone sent.
Peter and John were followers of the Baptist and both became disciples of Christ.
He left no disciples , but only admirers of his scholarship and conviction.
This woman and this man were, in the most concrete way possible, the first disciples of Christ.
On a Sabbath Jesus and His disciples were walking through a field.
He saw himself as the guru and his students as disciples .
Indeed the significance of the kinship or discipular link to Tansen is related to the fact that for Muslim Hindustani musicians musical theory was coded in an essentially oral medium.
An outstanding teacher, he has many disciples in the country and abroad.
His most fervent supporters occasionally sound like disciples rather than supporters.
Jesus’ apostles and disciples in the early Church felt the importance of prayer ahead of missionary activity.
Firstly, Christ and his disciples healed people physically as an attestation that Christ was indeed the promised Messiah.
The same applies to the twelve and the seventy disciples sent out by Jesus to preach and to heal as his representatives.
Every Design Master has acolytes and disciples that assisted and facilitated process.
Mala, with her two disciples impressed the students, most of them coming straight from examination halls, with the sheer grace of the art.
As Christ said to his disciples , there are certain types of devils that can only be chased by fasting, sacrifice, and prayer.
With the twelve disciples , in a large upper room, Jesus observed the Passover supper.
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