Terjemahan dari melee nomina perkelahian fight, fighting, scuffle, melee, hassle, fracas pergulatan struggle, melee, wrestling, wrestle, scrimmage, tussle huru-hara melee, riot, commotion, hurly-burly, hullabaloo, pandemonium pergumulan struggle, tussle, wrestling, scrimmage, scuffle, melee Definisi melee nomina a confused fight, skirmish, or scuffle. several people were hurt in the melee sinonim: fracas, disturbance, rumpus, tumult, commotion, ruckus, …
Terjemahan dari harrowing adjektiva mengerikan terrible, horrible, awful, dreadful, appalling, harrowing yg menyiksa torturous, harrowing, excruciating Definisi harrow adjektiva acutely distressing. a harrowing film about racism and violence verba draw a harrow over (land). Wheat fields are harrowed before the crop emerges to get the first flush of weeds. cause distress to. Todd could take …
Terjemahan dari frizzy adjektiva keriting curly, curling, kinky, frizzy, waved, frizzly yg dikeritingkan frizzed, frizzly, frizzy kribo frizzy, frizzly Definisi frizzy adjektiva formed of a mass of small, tight curls or tufts. frizzy red hair sinonim: curly, curled, corkscrew, ringlety, crimped, crinkly, kinky, frizzed, permed Sinonim adjektiva curly, curled, corkscrew, ringlety, crimped, crinkly, kinky, frizzed, …
Terjemahan dari loft nomina loteng attic, loft, garret, ceiling, floor, story para-para loft, rack kandang cage, pen, shed, stall, stalls, loft serambi tinggi loft Definisi loft nomina a room or space directly under the roof of a house or other building, which may be used for accommodations or storage. Graham spent the bulk of his …
Terjemahan dari triumph Maaf, saya bukan mau membahas tentang merek BH dan celana dalam wanita, meskipun benar bahwa Triumph International adalah merek underwear terkenal selain Wacoal. nomina kemenangan victory, win, triumph, winning, glory, laurel keberhasilan success, triumph, fruitfulness hasil result, outcome, yield, product, proceeds, triumph verba menang win, prevail, triumph, beat, cinch, gain berhasil succeed, …