erjemahan dari hiatus nomina hiatus hiatus rumpang hiatus kekosongan vacancy, void, vacuum, emptiness, gap, hiatus tempat kosong hiatus selang hose, interval, lapse, hiatus, rubber tube, interspace Definisi hiatus nomina a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process. there was a brief hiatus in the war with France sinonim: pause, break, gap, lacuna, interval, …
Terjemahan dari insurmountable adjektiva yg tdk dpt diatasi insurmountable, insuperable yg tdk dpt dinaiki insurmountable Definisi insurmountable adjektiva too great to be overcome. an insurmountable problem sinonim: insuperable, unconquerable, invincible, unassailable, overwhelming, hopeless, impossible Sinonim adjektiva insuperable, unconquerable, invincible, unassailable, overwhelming, hopeless, impossible unsurmountable insuperable Lebih sedikit sinonim Contoh More cyclists would need to take …
Terjemahan dari habitation nomina tempat tinggal residence, place, dwelling, habitation, quarters, dwelling place kediaman residence, dwelling, house, habitation, residency, rooms tempat kediaman residence, house, habitation, residency, dwelling, houseroom pemukiman settlement, habitation permukiman settlement, habitation mukim habitation tempat kedudukan seat, site, habitation tempat untuk didiami habitation kampung village, town, hutment, habitation Definisi habitation nomina the state …
Terjemahan dari limbo nomina tempat bagi orang yg dibuang limbo tempat bagi orang yg terlupa limbo Definisi limbo somewhere between here and there; not quite in Heaven but not in Hell either; Carribean dance where people bend backwards to go under a stick held in the air and set to music When you die suddenly, …
Terjemahan dari extensive adjektiva luas comprehensive, spacious, extensive, wide, broad, vast lebar wide, broad, large, extensive, full panjang long, lengthy, extensive, great, full-length panjang lebar lengthy, elaborate, extensive, detailed, wordy, prolix lawa extensive, vast banglas vast, extensive Definisi extensive adjektiva covering or affecting a large area. an extensive garden sinonim: large, large-scale, sizable, substantial, considerable, …