Terjemahan dari delirium nomina igauan delirium keadaan tdk ingat waktu demam delirium kegila-gilaan delirium, infatuation, craze Definisi delirium nomina an acutely disturbed state of mind that occurs in fever, intoxication, and other disorders and is characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence of thought and speech. Schizophrenia is conventionally distinguished from the organic psychoses dementia and …
Terjemahan dari eloquent adjektiva fasih fluent, eloquent, glib, voluble, quick-witted pandai berpidato eloquent, silver-tongued, smooth-talking pandai bicara eloquent, silver-tongued, smooth-talking fasih bicara eloquent, voluble, quick-witted, silver-tongued penuh perasaan soulful, eloquent, lyrical, tasteful yg dpt berbicara lancar voluble, eloquent yg mengesankan memorable, impressive, prepossessing, effective, eloquent, showy Definisi eloquent adjektiva fluent or persuasive in speaking or …
Terjemahan dari enmity nomina permusuhan hostility, enmity, feud, antagonism, malignancy, malignity kebencian hatred, hate, resentment, loathing, hostility, enmity persetruan enmity, feud kasemat conflict, altercation, feud, enmity, hatred kesumat altercation, hatred, enmity, conflict Definisi enmity nomina the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. enmity between Protestants and Catholics sinonim: …
Terjemahan dari speedy adjektiva cepat fast, quick, rapid, prompt, speedy, swift banter speedy, fast, quick, loud Definisi speedy adjektiva done or occurring quickly. a speedy recovery sinonim: rapid, swift, quick, fast, prompt, immediate, expeditious, express, brisk, sharp, whirlwind, lightning, meteoric, hasty, hurried, precipitate, breakneck, rushed, PDQ, pretty damn quick, snappy, quickie moving quickly. a speedy …
Terjemahan dari evince verba memperlihatkan show, exhibit, reveal, display, disclose, evince membuktikan prove, attest, demonstrate, verify, establish, evince menunjukkan dgn jelas evince Definisi evince verba reveal the presence of (a quality or feeling). his letters evince the excitement he felt at undertaking this journey Sinonim verba reveal, show, make plain, manifest, indicate, display, exhibit, demonstrate, …