Terjemahan dari flunk verba gagal fail, flop, collapse, flunk, fizzle out, bust menggagalkan thwart, frustrate, foil, mess up, defeat, flunk jatuh fall, fall down, fall off, tumble, crash, flunk menjatuhkan drop, impose, down, bring down, fell, flunk memecat fire, sack, ax, expel, terminate, flunk Definisi flunk verba fail to reach the required standard in (an …
Terjemahan dari connive verba berkomplot conspire, plot, connive, scheme, be in cahoots, cabal bersekongkol conspire, plot, abet, gang up, connive, intrigue membiarkan let, leave, permit, tolerate, suffer, connive pura-pura tdk tahu connive Definisi connive verba secretly allow (something considered immoral, illegal, wrong, or harmful) to occur. you have it in your power to connive at …
Terjemahan dari modicum nomina jumlah sedikit modicum, tiny bit, few, tad, pittance, trifle Definisi modicum nomina a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something considered desirable or valuable. his statement had more than a modicum of truth sinonim: small amount, particle, speck, fragment, scrap, crumb, grain, morsel, shred, dash, drop, pinch, soupçon, jot, iota, …
be fully acquaintance with procedure Comments comments
Berkelahi dengan tumbak sambil naik kuda Definisi joust nomina a medieval sports contest in which two opponents on horseback fought with lances. It speaks of jousts , tournaments, wizards, falconry, enchantresses, damsels in distress, wars, quests, and the code of chivalry. sinonim: tournament, tourney, combat, contest, fight, battle, clash, tilt verba (of a medieval knight) …