Vigilante artinya seseorang atau sekelompok orang yang main hakim sendiri tanpa otoritas legal. Apa ya padanan katanya dalam Bahasa Indonesia? Preman? Ah, gak tepat juga. Rasa bahasanya gak dapat. Preman itu memang pekerjaan ilegal. Tapi preman khan gak berhubungan dengan membasmi kejahatan seperti yang dilakukan oleh para Vigilante seperti Batman atau Green Arrow. Contoh kalimat …
Capsize artinya terbalik, misalnya seperti perahu yang terbalik di air Contoh Kalimat Untuk Pemahaman : After losing their first race Bristol 1 benefited from a capsize by a London boat in the second race and went on to convincingly win the third to make it into the final. In full view of the finish I …
Terjemahan dari doodle nomina gambar yg tak berarti doodle verba menggambar dgn melamun doodle Definisi doodle nomina a rough drawing made absentmindedly. In the notebook were pretty drawings, simple little doodles of simple little joys. verba scribble absentmindedly. he was only doodling in the margin Sinonim nomina scribble, scrabble Contoh This book held all of …
Terjemahan dari skirmish nomina pertempuran kecil skirmish perkelahian fight, fighting, scuffle, melee, hassle, skirmish hal tembak-menembak shooting, gunplay, skirmish verba bertempur kecil-kecilan skirmish Definisi skirmish nomina an episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, especially between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets. The key now is to tune out the ‘white noise’ and stop …
Terjemahan dari fracas nomina perkelahian fight, fighting, scuffle, melee, hassle, fracas pertengkaran quarrel, fight, squabbling, altercation, quarreling, fracas Definisi fracas nomina a noisy disturbance or quarrel. There were fights and fracas where I saw guns, knives, baseball bats and the rest, but nothing I couldn’t handle. sinonim: disturbance, brawl, melee, rumpus, skirmish, struggle, scuffle, scrum, …