
Terjemahan dari manner
way, how, manner, means, mode, method
attitude, gesture, manner, demeanor, posture, pose
style, force, fashion, manner, genre, energy
kind, sort, manner, variety, type, species
manner, kind, fad, style, type, whim
manner, trick
behavior, tramp, time, measure, manner, behaviour
song, tune, piece, melody, number, manner
Definisi manner
a way in which a thing is done or happens.
taking notes in an unobtrusive manner
sinonim: way, fashion, mode, means, method, system, style, approach, technique, procedure, process, methodology, modus operandi, form
a person’s outward bearing or way of behaving toward others.
his arrogance and pompous manner
sinonim: demeanor, air, aspect, attitude, bearing, cast, behavior, conduct, mien, comportment
polite or well-bred social behavior.
didn’t your mother teach you any manners?
sinonim: customs, habits, ways, practices, conventions, usages; correct behavior, etiquette, social graces, good form, protocol, politeness, decorum, propriety, gentility, civility, Ps and Qs
  • way, fashion, mode, means, method, system, style, approach, technique, procedure, process,methodology, modus operandi, form
  • kind, sort, type, variety, nature, breed, brand, stamp, class, category, genre, order
  • demeanor, air, aspect, attitude, bearing, cast, behavior, conduct, mien, comportment
  • customs, habits, ways, practices, conventions, usages
  • behavior, conduct, way of behaving, form
  • correct behavior, etiquette, social graces, good form, protocol, politeness, decorum, propriety,gentility, civility, Ps and Qs
  • mode, way, style, fashion
Lebih sedikit sinonim
an adverb of manner
It is as if Yeats, in the manner of the prophetic romantic artist, perceives the historical importance of that year as it happens.
I took the photograph in an impromptu manner, the manner in which I take most of my photographs.
The detainee has notice of the grounds for his detention and an opportunity to be heard at a ‘meaningful time and in a meaningful manner .’
a dramatic poem in the manner of Goethe
There are adverbs of manner , adverbs of place, adverbs of frequency, adverbs of time and adverbs of purpose.
So if you are going to ask another group to allow you to play through them, do so in a courteousmanner and at a convenient time in the round.
These new works are a bold push forward, and they show the artist entering into the world of storytelling in the manner of a heartsick troubadour.
It is largely devoted to an account of the battle of Actium, but tells it all in the manner of Callimachus, a style wholly unsuited to the subject-matter.
there’s no manner of doubt that you did it
his arrogance and pompous manner
Undoubtedly his manner towards Shackleton must have appeared quite subservient.
She probably had a pretty face to start with, but her manner and grace was quite a study in femininity.
what manner of man is he?
she dealt with me in a professional manner
In fact, schools hog the limelight, by celebrating the festival in a customary manner , involving children and teachers.
When the police lodged a case against him recently, he and his supplicants reacted in the customarymanner .
Should the linguistic category of ‘ manner ’ be restricted to semantico-grammatical phenomena?
A venue as extraordinary as Kingston’s Toilet Gallery could hardly celebrate its birthday in a conventional manner .
she wears all manner of outfits
an adverb of manner
a shy and diffident manner
In response, Killeavy looked to their county star Steven McDonnell who, in his customary manner , pointed.
His characteristic manner soon brought customers from near and far and his perfectness in hair styling was always much admired.
Bollinger was ‘working’ in these pictures, but not in the manner of the other artists Fiore depicted.
The murder shocked the entire country because of the nature of the victim and the manner of his death.
taking notes in an unobtrusive manner
He believes, as should we all, that what is important is the life and work of our great writers, and not themanner of their death.
he did it in the appropriate manner
Fortunately, individual lions can be dependably identified in an unobtrusive manner .
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in this manner, in a manner of speaking, bedside manner, in a manner, good manner, in the same manner,in like manner, bad manner, in such a manner, manner of articulation
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