Terjemahan dari concern nomina perhatian attention, concern, care, interest, consideration, notice urusan affairs, business, matter, dealings, concern, charge soal matter, problem, question, thing, item, concern keprihatian concern, thoughtfulness perusahaan company, enterprise, firm, corporation, business, concern firma firm, company, enterprise, concern, concernment kemasygulan concern, heartbreak, anxiety, moodiness, hip prihatian concern kemasgulan anxiety, concern, heartbreak, moodiness, hip …
Terjemahan dari mush nomina bubur porridge, pulp, mush, gruel, puree, spoon food omongan yg tolol drivel, mush Definisi mush nomina a soft, wet, pulpy mass. red lentils cook quickly and soon turn to mush sinonim: pap, pulp, slop, paste, purée, mash, porridge, gloop, goo, gook, glop, sludge, guck feeble or cloying sentimentality. the film’s not …
Terjemahan dari disrelish nomina rasa jijik contempt, revulsion, repulsion, aversion, scunner, disrelish verba menjijikkan disgust, repel, loathe, revolt, sicken, disrelish Definisi disrelish nomina a feeling of dislike or distaste. disrelish for any pursuit is ample reason for abandoning it verba regard (something) with dislike or distaste. I am not surprised that some members should disrelish …
Terjemahan dari comrade nomina kawan friend, comrade, fellow, fella, companion, pal rekan colleague, associate, companion, mate, friend, comrade teman friend, companion, mate, comrade, associate, compeer sobat friend, comrade sahabat friend, pal, comrade saudara brother, sister, relation, sib, comrade, gentleman ikhwan brother, comrade cacak elder brother, comrade Definisi comrade nomina a companion who shares one’s activities …
Terjemahan dari fiat nomina perintah command, order, instruction, injunction, behest, fiat persetujuan approval, consent, agreement, assent, accord, fiat Definisi fiat nomina a formal authorization or proposition; a decree. adopting a legislative review program, rather than trying to regulate by fiat sinonim: decree, edict, order, command, commandment, injunction, proclamation, mandate, dictum, diktat Sinonim nomina decree, edict, …