The Saga of the Queen Bee

Although the virtuosity of the workers is remarkable, the queen of bee is really the main story. Workers choose a few larvae to be queen, feeding them royal jelly, a substance rich in proteins and vitamins. While the queen is changing from a larva to a pupa, a team of workers builds a special cell for her. Soon the young queen hatches eats the prepared honey, and grow strong. After she kills any rivals who have the temerity  to challenge her, an enormous note is injected. She flies from the hive and mates with one or more drones on her first flight. Then the process of eggs laying begins. When her progeny saturate the hive, scouts are dispatched to find a new location, and the bee swarm after their leader to begin amazing cycle again.

  • virtuosity – keahlian
  • hatches- menetas
  • temerity- keberanian
  • enormous- besar sekali
  • drone- lebah jantan
  • progeny- keturunan, anak-anak
  • scout- pengintai, pencari
  • dispatced – diberangkatkan
  • swarm- berkerumun

The word “virtuosity” refers to exceptional skill or ability in a particular field or activity. It is often used to describe someone who has a high level of proficiency or expertise in a particular area, and who is able to perform at a very high level. For example, someone might describe a musician as having virtuosity if they are exceptionally skilled at playing their instrument and are able to perform at a very high level. Similarly, someone might describe an athlete as having virtuosity if they are exceptionally skilled at their sport and are able to perform at a very high level. Virtuosity is often seen as a positive trait, as it demonstrates a high level of proficiency or expertise in a particular field or activity. It is often associated with hard work, dedication, and talent, and is often admired and respected by others. Overall, the word “virtuosity” refers to exceptional skill or ability in a particular field or activity, and is often used to describe someone who has a high level of proficiency or expertise in a particular area, and who is able to perform at a very high level.



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