One of the most interesting inhabitants of our world is the bee, an insect which is indigenous to all parts of the globe except the polar region. The honeybee is a gregarious insect whose habitat is a colony which he shares with as many as 80,000 bees. Although the individual bees live for only a few days, their colony can be operative for several years. A cursory study of the activities of these insects reveal an orderliness and a social structure which is truly amazing. For example, bees in a particular hive have a distinct odor; therefore, when interloper seeks access they can identify him quickly and repulse in invasion.
- inhabitant – penduduk
- indigenous – asli, pribumi
- gregarious- hidup berkelompok
- cursory- singkat, sepintas lalu
- orderliness – ketertiban
- distinct- berbeda, jelas, istimewa
- interloper- penyelundup
- repulse – memukul mundur
- invasion – invasi, serbuan