Happy Ending?

Happy Ending?

Following an execution session, the school board ordered the principal to terminate the suspension and to send the boys back to class forthwith. Unless it could be shown that their presence disrupted the learning process, there was no reason to bar the boys. It was a bitter pill for the principal whose irritation was exacerbated by the rulling. But some of the sting was taken out of the victory when the boys appeared in school the next day with their hair clipped to a respectable length. Everyone brethed a sigh of relief. Just as things were about to revert to normalcy, however, the same French teacher demanded that a girl be ousted from school for wearing a mini skirt.

  • Forthwith – segera
  • Disrupted – mengganggu
  • exacerbated – diperburuk, diperparah
  • exacerbate – memperburuk
  • revert to – kembali pada
  • demand – memohon, menuntut
  • be ousted – dikeluarkan

