A Modern Aesop

The telling story in the simple term that has an inherently important message is a venerable art form. The parable may be found teaching a moral lesson in the bible. Aesop is an incontrovertible master of the fable. This story form is far from antiquated, as shown by the whimsical approach to life taken by the modern Aesop, James Thurber. His stories lampoon the strange behavior of his fellow men. Thurber seems unable to countenance the ideas that permeate our society regarding the rules by which we should live. Least of all, is he able to accept the sanctimonious notion that some people promulgate that good always wins out against evil? Thurber’s stories often take an exactly opposite didactic point of view.

  • inherent – melekat, menjadi sifatnya, existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.
  • venerable- terhormat, patut dimuliakan, accorded a great deal of respect, esp. because of age, wisdom, or character.
  • parable – perumpamaan
  • incontrovertible –  yang tidak dapat dibantah, not able to be denied or disputed.
  • whimsical- aneh, ganjil, playfully quaint or fanciful, esp. in an appealing and amusing way.
  • lampoon- mengecam, mencerca, menyerang, publicly criticize (someone or something) by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm.
  • countenance – menyetujui, menyokong, wajah, raut muka, a person’s face or facial expression.
  • permeate- menyerap, spread throughout (something); pervade.
  • sanctimonious – munafik, sok suci, making a show of being morally superior to other people.
  • promulgate – menyebar luaskan, promote or make widely known (an idea or cause).
  • didactic – bersifat mendidik/mengandung pelajaran, intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive.

Inherently means “existing or being an essential or basic part of something; intrinsic.” It can be used to describe something that is a natural part of something else or that is a necessary or essential characteristic. For example, you might say that honesty is inherently good, meaning it is a fundamental quality that is always virtuous. You might also say that a material is inherently strong, meaning that it is naturally resistant to breaking or damage.

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Venerable means “worthy of respect and admiration, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.” It can be used to describe a person who is respected and admired because of their age, experience, or other qualities that make them worthy of reverence. It can also describe things considered worthy of respect or admiration because of their age, history, or significance. For example, you might refer to an elderly person as being venerable, or you might describe an old building as being venerable because of its age or historical significance.

A parable is a simple story that illustrates a moral or spiritual lesson. It is often used in religious teachings, such as the Bible, to teach people about important moral and ethical principles. Parables often involve animals or other characters in everyday situations, and their lessons usually apply to human life. For example, the parable of the Good Samaritan tells the story of a man who helps a stranger in need, even though the stranger is from a different cultural background. The moral of the story is that people should be kind and compassionate to others, regardless of their differences.

Incontrovertible means “unable to be disputed or denied; beyond doubt or question.” It is often used to describe evidence or facts so clear and undeniable that there is no room for doubt or disagreement. For example, you might say that the law of gravity is incontrovertible, meaning that it is a scientific fact that cannot be denied or disputed. You might also use the word to describe something true or evident, such as the incontrovertible fact that the earth orbits the sun.

Whimsical means “playfully fanciful or fancifully playful; fanciful engagingly or amusingly.” It can describe something lighthearted, playful, and full of imagination and creativity. Something whimsical is often characterized by a sense of fun and a lack of serious purpose, and it is often intended to bring joy or amusement to those who experience it. For example, you might describe a piece of art as whimsical if it is full of bright colors, imaginative designs, and a playful spirit. You might also describe a person as whimsical if they have a lighthearted and playful personality.

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To lampoon means to satirize or mock something or someone humorously or mockingly. A lampoon is a written or spoken work that uses humor and wit to criticize or mock something or someone. Lampoons often ridicule or satirize social or political institutions, customs, or practices. They can also be used to mock or satirize individual people, especially public figures. Lampoons are often intended to expose the flaws or weaknesses of the target of the satire, and they are often meant to be humorous or entertaining, as well as critical.


Countenance can have a few different meanings, but it is most commonly used to refer to someone’s facial expression or appearance. For example, you might describe someone as having a serious countenance if they have a serious or thoughtful expression on their face, or you might describe someone as having a friendly countenance if they have a warm and welcoming appearance.

Countenance can also refer to a person’s demeanor or bearing or the way they present themselves to others. For example, you might say that someone has a dignified countenance, meaning they carry themselves with dignity and poise.

In addition, countenance can be used to refer to the appearance or aspect of something, such as a place or a situation’s countenance. In these cases, the word is often used to describe the overall mood or atmosphere of the thing being referred to.


To permeate means to spread or pass through something, often in a gradual or subtle way. The word often describes how a substance or quality spreads through a material or environment. For example, you might say that a smell permeates a room, spreading throughout the space and filling it. You might also say that an idea or influence permeates a group of people, meaning that it spreads and becomes widespread among them.

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Permeate can also be used to describe the way that something influences or affects something else in a subtle or pervasive way. For example, you might say that a feeling of sadness permeates a person’s life, meaning that it affects them in a profound and pervasive way. Overall, the word suggests a gradual and widespread influence or spread of something.

Sanctimonious means “affecting or exhibiting a false or hypocritical show of righteousness or virtue.” It is often used to describe someone who pretends to be very moral or virtuous but is actually insincere or hypocritical. A sanctimonious person might act very self-righteous or moralistic, but they might not have good intentions or follow through on their moral principles.

Sanctimoniousness is often seen as a negative trait because it suggests that someone is pretending to be something they are not. Sanctimonious people might be perceived as insincere, phony, or manipulative, and others might not trust their words and actions.

In general, sanctimonious describes people or behavior that is fake or insincere and meant to deceive or manipulate others.

To promulgate means to make something known or widely known, especially through formal or official channels. The word is often used to describe how a law, rule, or doctrine is announced or made public, especially when done officially or formally. For example, you might say that a new law was promulgated by the government, meaning that it was officially announced and made public.

Promulgate can also be used more broadly to describe how any idea, doctrine, or belief is made known or spread to others. For example, you might say that a new idea was promulgated by a group of researchers, meaning it was made known and discussed among a wider audience.

Overall, the word suggests a formal or official way of making something known or spreading it to others.

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